Friday, November 30, 2012

Scholarships in Immunology

The study of Immunology is concerned with the investigation of functions of the body’s immune system in order to treat and control a range of diseases and disorders. For making career in Immunology students can pursue their bachelor’s and postgraduate degree. As an Immunologist, you can find work in private offices, clinics or hospitals, coordinating with other providers to diagnose and treat immunological issues.  You can also find opportunities in clinical and academic settings, as well as in industrial research.
There are many universities, colleges and organizations which offer many scholarships and grants in Immunology. The below list will help you in searching scholarship for making a career in Immunology.

Scholarship Program: Student Training and Research in Tumor Immunology (STaRT) Grant 2013
Employer: Cancer Research Institute
Level of Study:
Tumor immunology
Country: USA
Scholarship Description:
Through its Student Training and Research in Tumor Immunology (STaRT) Program, the Cancer Research Institute seeks to attract bright young minds to rewarding careers as cancer immunologists. STaRT Grants provide up to two years of support for graduate students conducting thesis research in the area of tumor immunology. A panel of scientists drawn from the Institute’s Scientific Advisory Council rigorously evaluates each candidate, the thesis advisor and training environment, and the nature and feasibility of their research.
Scholarship Website:

Scholarship Program: Postdoctoral Research Position in Immunology at University of Hasselt, Belgium
Employer: University of Hasselt
Level of Study:
Scholarship Description:
The candidate will work in frame of an interuniversitary program named “T-TIME” (IUAP funded). The IUAP network groups Belgian research groups with excellent track record in T-cell immunology and aims to provide in depth knowledge of T-cell regulation and tolerance. As one of the partners, BIOMED will focus on autoimmune T-cell responses and immunosenescence in the context of multiple sclerosis.
Scholarship Website:

Scholarship Program: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Mathematical Immunology at the Hamilton Institute, Ireland
Employer: Hamilton Institute, National University of Ireland
Level of Study:
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Mathematical Immunology
Scholarship Description: Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position within the applied probability group at the Hamilton Institute, National University of Ireland, Maynooth.This is a full-time research position for 3 years to develop theoretical models to explain and extrapolate from data developed on a Human Frontiers Science Programme grant. Partners on the grant include the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI, Europe), the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (WEHI, Australia) and Drexel University (USA).
Scholarship Website:

Scholarship Program: Research Associates Position in Cell Biology, Tumor Biology, Immunology and Infection Biology in Sweden
Employer: Karolinska Institute
Level of Study:
Subjects: Cell biology, tumor biology, immunology and/or infection biology
Scholarship Description:
The Department runs a very active research seminar series with daily presentations from national and international experts. There are ample opportunities for creative interactions within and between the different research areas at MTC.
Scholarship Website:

Scholarship Program: Postgraduate Research Scholarships at Murdoch University, Australia
Employer: Murdoch University
Level of Study:
Postgraduate Research
Animal Production, Crop and Pasture Production, Fisheries Sciences, Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy, Clinical Sciences, Immunology, Medical Microbiology, Film, Television and Digital Media, Communication and Media Studies, Physical Chemistry, Asian studies, Zoology and Veterinary Science.
Scholarship Description:
 Murdoch University is one of Australia’s most research-intensive universities. Murdoch’s Higher Degree by Research completion rates are amongst the highest in Australia across a broad range of Areas of Research strength, for example Animal Production, Crop and Pasture Production, Fisheries Sciences, Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy, Clinical Sciences, Immunology, Medical Microbiology, Film, Television and Digital Media, Communication and Media Studies, Physical Chemistry, Asian studies, Zoology and Veterinary Science.
Scholarship Website:

Scholarship Program: PhD Scholarships in Cancer Immunology and Immune Therapy
Employer: University of Queensland
Level of Study: PhD
Cancer Immunology and Immune Therapy
Scholarship Description: The Centre for Immune and Targeted Therapy (CITT) is a unique, collaborative research centre in which basic and clinical research into the treatment of cancer undertaken within the University of Queensland is integrated into state of the art private sector cancer care.  Our vibrant laboratory research team works closely within the hospital environment, particularly in cancer therapy, and focuses on translating basic laboratory science into clinically applicable cell  based immune therapies. Successful applicants will be supervised by leading cancer specialists undertaking trials of new cancer treatments and by  an  internationally recognized cancer research scientist. The unit is based at the University of Queensland Research Laboratories in the Gallipoli Medical Research Centre at Greenslopes Private Hospital.
Scholarship Website:

Scholarship Program: PhD Scholarship in Immunology and Transplantation
Employer: Progreffe Foundation
Level of Study: PhD
Immunology and Transplantation
Scholarship Description: We are looking for a highly motivated and successful student of any nationality with a Master degree. The PhD position will cover 3 years of salary for research activity and will provide training in a strong research environment and participation to local seminars and international meetings. The applicant should choose one project among five predefined research proposals with topics covering many areas of research related to transplantation and autoimmune diseases, including Molecular & Cell Biology, Immunology and Gene Therapy. This PhD position financed by the Progreffe foundation will be held at University of Nantes.
Scholarship Website:

Scholarship Program: Gordon Ada PhD Scholarship in Immunology or Virology
Employer: John Curtin School of Medical Research (JCSMR)
Level of Study:
Immunology or Virology
Scholarship Description: The Gordon Ada PhD Scholarship in Immunology or Virology is a supplementary scholarship in honour of eminent Australian and JCSMR immunologist and virologist Professor Gordon Ada. The scholarship is to be awarded annually as funds permit. In the first instance the scholarship will be awarded in vaccine development.
Scholarship Website:

Scholarship Program: PhD Scholarships in Immunology and Infection
Employer: University of York
Level of Study:
Immunology and Infection
Scholarship Description:
The Centre for Immunology and Infection (CII), a joint research centre of the Hull York Medical School and the Department of Biology at the University of York, seeks applications from highly motivated and enthusiastic individuals for a fully-funded PhD scholarship.
Scholarship Website:

Scholarship Program: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Medical Mycology and /or Fungal Immunology
Employer: University of Aberdeen
Level of Study:
Medical Mycology and /or Fungal Immunology
Scholarship Description: To train early career researchers in medical mycology and /or fungal immunology and produce the next generation of high quality researchers in this specific field. Six fellowships are available. A Fellowship is for three years on a full time basis and provides for a salary and research expenses set at £12,000 per annum and travel and accommodation to WTSA organised meetings and events.
Scholarship Website:

Scholarship Program: PhD-Position in T Cell Immunology: Viral Hepatitis C and Hepatocellular Carcinoma at University of Bern, Switzerland
Employer: University of Bern
Level of Study:
T Cell Immunology: Viral Hepatitis C and Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Scholarship Description:
Our group is investigating the role of T cell immunology in viral hepatitis such as Hepatitis C (HCV) and in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), respec-tively. Several studies have shown the important role of T cells in elimination and immunopathogenesis of HCV infection. In HCC, Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) is overexpressed in 50% of the patients. In the mouse model, the in-duction of T cell responses were associated with significant protective anti-tumoral T cell responses.
Scholarship Website:

Scholarship Program: Postdoctoral Fellowship in FAPESP Research Program on Immunology in University of São Paulo â€" Brazil
Employer: University of São Paulo
Level of Study:
Scholarship Description: FAPESP’s Post-Doctoral fellowship is aimed at distinguished researchers with a recent doctorate degree and a successful research track record. The fellowship enables the development of research within higher education and research institutions located in the State of São Paulo. Post-doctoral fellowships are available within FAPESP funded research projects, when calls for applications are issued internationally, or as individual fellowships requested on demand.
Scholarship Website:

Scholarship Program: International Fellows-in-Training Travel Scholarship in Allergy/Immunology, USA
Employer: American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology
Level of Study:
Country: USA
Scholarship Description:
International Fellows-in-Training Travel Scholarships are designed to financially assist research and non-research fellows and residents-in-training in allergy/immunology in attending the AAAAI’s 2013 Annual Meeting. The meeting will be held February 22-26, 2013 in San Antonio, Texas, and will cover current research relevant to the field of Allergy/Immunology.
Scholarship Website:

Scholarship Program: NUIM Indian Student Scholarships
Employer: The National University of Ireland Maynooth
Level of Study:
Subjects: Bio-Sciences, Computer Science and Business/Economics/Finance & Accounting
Scholarship Description:
The National University of Ireland Maynooth is proud to announce its new range of scholarships for Indian postgraduates for those starting their courses in September 2013.
Scholarship Website:

Scholarship Program: Microbiology and Immunology Graduate Entrance Awards
University of Western Ontario
Level of Study: Master’s or Doctoral
Microbiology and Immunology
Scholarship Description:
Awarded to new, full-time Masters or Doctoral students who are registered in the Faculty of Graduate Studies and enrolled for their first year of studies in the Microbiology & Immunology graduate program, based on academic achievement (minimum 80% academic average). Up to 4 recipients will be selected annually by the Graduate Committee of the Department of Microbiology & Immunology.
Value: Up to $5,000 per award, depending on budgetary constraints. Award is payable over the first two terms.
Scholarship Website:

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2012 Methanex Undergraduate Scholarships at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand

Undergraduate Scholarships in Mechanical, Electrical, Process, Control Systems or Reliability Engineering at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand 2012

Study Subject(s):This scholarship is provided to learn Mechanical, Electrical, Process,Control Systems or Reliability Engineering.
Course Level:This Scholarship programme is available for Undergraduate program.
Scholarship Provider: Methanex New Zealand Ltd (Methanex) and Petroleum Skills Association New Zealand (PSANZ
Scholarship can be taken at: New Zealand

The Scholarships are open for New Zealand citizens enrolled in their 2nd year of undergraduate study at a New Zealand University, who have achieved an excellent academic record, and are about to begin their 3rd year of full-time study for an undergraduate degree programme in the areas of Mechanical, Electrical, Process,Control Systems or Reliability Engineering. Students must have a genuine interest in pursuing a career in the petroleum industry in New Zealand upon completion of their study.

Scholarship Open for International Students:  The Scholarship is open for New Zealand Students.

Scholarship Description: Methanex New Zealand Ltd (Methanex), in collaboration with the Petroleum Skills Association New Zealand (PSANZ), offers the Undergraduate Scholarships.To ENCOURAGE high performing 3rd year undergraduate students studying a Bachelor in Enegineering (BE) in either (Electrical) (Mechanical) (Process) (Controls systems) (Reliability) at a New Zealand University to develop expertise in the petroleum industry. To PROVIDE OPPORTUNITIES for undergraduate students to work within the New Zealand petroleum industry during and upon completion of their study.

Number of awards offered: Two Scholarships are offered.

Tenure of award: Scholarship is Awarded for One Year.

Value: Total award $5,000 (NZD) comprising of one payment per annum for one year (only).

Notifications:The short-listed candidates will be required to attend an interview with Methanex NZ and will be notified in December whether they have been selected for a Scholarship.

How to Apply: The mode of applying is by Post.

Scholarship Application Deadline: Do submit your applications till 16 November 2012.

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New Zealand Scholarship
Undergraduate Scholarships

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Thursday, November 29, 2012

2013 PhD Student Position in Combustion Engines at Lund University in Sweden

PhD Student Position in Combustion Engines at the Department of Energy Sciences, Lund University in Sweden 2013

Study Subject(s): Study subject is Combustion Engines.
Course Level:  Scholarships is available for pursuing PhD degree.
Scholarship Provider: Lund University
Scholarship can be taken at: Sweden

Eligibility: Students with basic eligibility for third-cycle studies are those who- have completed a second-cycle degree- have completed courses of at least 240 credits, of which at least 60 credits are from second-cycle courses, or- have acquired largely equivalent knowledge in some other way, in Sweden or abroad.Special eligibility requirements comprise knowledge from first-cycle studies or the equivalent, but can also refer to special professional experience. Additionally, sufficient knowledge of the subject area is required for third-cycle studies. Students meeting special eligibility requirements are those who have- at least 60 higher education credits within the same subject area as the third-cycle studies, of which in-depth work of at least 30 higher education credits of relevance to the subject area- a Swedish medical degree or Swedish certification as a doctor.

Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: Students of Sweden can apply for this position.

Scholarship Description: Combustion engines are the dominating power source for road transport. Despite its age there is still much to be done with emissions and fuel efficiency. We are now looking for a PhD student for a project together with Volvo Global Truck Technology named VEV â€" Volvo Efficient Vehicle. This is an international project involving four partners; Volvo Sweden, Lund University, Volvo North America and Penn State University. The goal is to make a combustion engine with 50% fuel efficiency which complies with current and future emission legislation. The concept Lund University will work on is based on Partially Premixed Combustion â€" PPC using compression ignition of gasoline like fuels. The project contains simulations of the combustion process as well as application of advanced optical measurement techniques in an transparent single cylinder engine.

Number of awards offered: Not known

Duration of Awards: Position is awarded for 4 years.

What does it cover? As a Ph.D student you are employed by the university and paid a salary that is comparable to what engineers are paid in the engine industry. The research studies combine studies and work, aiming to developing skills that are needed to handle complex problems, carry out independent research and make an original contribution to knowledge.

How to Apply: Online

Scholarship Application Deadline: The closing date for applications for these scholarships is 2012-12-07.

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Scholarship for Swedish Students
International Scholarships for PhD Program

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The Netherlands Fellowship Program (NFP) for Sub-Saharan African Students in Netherlands, 2013

Dutch Ministry for Foreign Affairs funded Master’s Fellowship Program for Sub-Saharan African Students in Netherlands, 2013

Study Subject(s): Courses offered by the university.
Course Level: This scholarship is for pursuing master’s degree level.
Scholarship Provider: Dutch Ministry for Foreign Affairs under its Development Cooperation budget.
Scholarship can be taken at: Netherlands

-The NFP target group consists of mid-career professionals who are employed by an organization other than a large industrial, commercial and/or multinational firm. Since the training must help the organization to develop, the applicants must be nominated by their employers.
-Applicants must also be nationals of one of the 57 selected countries (see ‘Eligible countries’).
-Applicants must declare that they will return to their home country immediately after they complete the master program.
-Applicants must have gained admission to a TU/e master course, which is on the NFP course list and have sufficient mastery of the English language.
-All TU/e Master’s programs

Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: Afghanistan, Eritrea, Nicaragua, Albania, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Armenia, Georgia, Pakistan, Autonomous Palestinian Territories, Ghana, Peru, Bangladesh ,Guatemala, Philippines, Benin, Guinea-Bissau ,Rwanda, Bhutan, Honduras, Senegal, Bolivia, India ,South Africa, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Iran, Sudan, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, South Sudan, Burma/Myanmar, Jordan, Suriname, Burundi, Kenya, Tanzania, Cambodia, Kosovo, Thailand, Cape Verde, Macedonia, Uganda, Colombia, Mali, Vietnam, Costa Rica, Moldova, Yemen, Cuba, Mongolia, Zambia, DR Congo, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Ecuador, Namibia, Egypt, Nepal, El Salvador

Scholarship Description: The Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP) promotes capacity building within organizations in 62 countries by providing training and education through fellowships for professionals. The NFP is initiated and fully funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the budget for development cooperation. The overall aim of the NFP is to help increase both the number and the competencies of skilled staff at a wide range of governmental and non-governmental organizations. You have to be nominated by your employer to be eligible for the fellowship. There also has to be a clear need for training within the context of your organization.

Number of awards offered: Not Known

Duration of award(s): Scholarships for the duration of the program, with a maximum of two years.

What does it cover?  Dutch Ministry for Foreign Affairs funded Full-cost scholarship (including international travel, monthly subsistence allowance, tuition fee, books and health insurance.)

Selection Criteria: The fellowships are awarded in a very competitive selection to highly motivated professionals with at least three years’ work experience who are in a position to introduce the newly-acquired skills and knowledge into their employing organisation.

Notification: You will be informed about the outcome of the selection by mail or email.

How to Apply: The mode of applying is online.

Scholarship Application Deadline: Do submit your applications till 1 December 2012.

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Scholarships for African Students in UK
Netherlands Scholarship
Scholarships for Nigerian Students

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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

2013 Dr Goh Keng Swee Scholarships for Undergraduate Students from Asia Pacific Countries in Singapore

Undergraduate Scholarships for Brunei, Cambodia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, PRC, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos and Myanmar Students at National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Management University, Singapore University of Technology and Design, 2013

Study Subject(s): Courses offered by the university.
Course Level: This scholarship is available for pursuing undergraduate (including Honours) degree Level.
Scholarship Provider: Public Service Commission Secretariat
Scholarship can be taken at: Singapore

-Concurrently apply for admission to NUS, NTU, SMU or SUTD. Applicants should adhere to the university’s admission deadlines and guidelines.
-Demonstrate leadership qualities and possess good academic and co-curricular activities (CCA) achievements.
-Have sat for, or made private arrangements to sit for the SAT.
- Preferably be below 25 years of age Student’s Allowance, refugee, gypsy or Irish traveller.
- Select a course of study relevant to the finance sector. Most other courses (such as Engineering, Computing, Law), except specialized courses like Medicine, will also be considered.

Scholarship Open for International Students: Scholarship is open to students who are citizens/passport holders of Brunei, Cambodia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, PRC, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos and Myanmar. Singapore citizens and PRs are not eligible to apply for the Dr GKS Scholarship.

Scholarship Description: The Dr GKS Scholarship Fund was set up by the financial community in Singapore in honour of the former Deputy Prime Minister, who fostered Singapore’s economic development and growth as a reputable international financial center.

Number of awards offered: 3 to 4 scholarships are awarded.

Duration of awards: The scholarship supports a maximum of 4 years of undergraduate study.

What does it cover? Tuition and other compulsory fees;
Airfare (to Singapore and return to home country upon completion of study);
Annual maintenance allowance of SGD6500;
Hostel allowance based on institution of study; and
Settling-in allowance (one-off expense) of SGD200 upon arrival in Singapore.

How to Apply: The mode of applying is online.

Scholarship Application Deadline: Do submit your applications till 17 January 2013.

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Scholarships for Singaporeans
Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students

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2013/14 Tallow Chandlers and M W Beer Scholarship at SOAS, University of London in UK

 SOAS funded Tallow Chandlers and M W Beer Scholarship for MPhil/PhD Students from UK/EU in the field of Anthropology and Sociology in UK

Study Subject(s): Subjects are Anthropology and Sociology.
Course Level: This scholarship is available for pursuing MPhil/PhD degree level.
Scholarship Provider: SOAS, University of London
Scholarship can be taken at: UK

Eligibility:-Applicants must possess or expect to be awarded a Distinction in their Masters Degree from a UK university.  Applicants with a non-UK degree must be in the top rank and will be assessed by their referees and transcript.  Applicants with a Merit in their Masters Degree may apply but will not be given preference.
-Applicants must have also an offer of admission to the full-time MPhil/PhD in the Department of Anthropology and Sociology by the scholarship application deadline.
-UK/EU fee-paying students only

Scholarship Open for International Students: The students of UK/EU can apply for this scholarship.

Scholarship Description: There is one scholarship available for a UK/EU fee-paying student with an offer of admission for the full-time MPhil/PhD in Anthropology and Sociology at SOAS with a focus on a food-related topic for the academic session 2013/14.  The scholarship, valued at £5,000, will be awarded to a student for one year only. The scholarship will normally be used towards living expenses.

Number of awards offered: One Scholarship is offered.

Duration of award: Scholarship is offered for 1 year.

What does it cover? The scholarship, valued at £5,000, will be awarded to a student for one year only. The scholarship will normally be used towards living expenses.

Selection criteria:-Candidates will be assessed on academic merit by a Selection Panel consisting of three academic members of the SOAS Food Studies Centre.
-The assessment of your application will be based on the information in your application.  Selectors will be looking at the degree results and also at academic references, statement and other relevant information.

Notification: All candidates will be notified by email regarding the outcome of their application, generally by mid-July. The successful candidate will also be notified in writing. If you have not heard from us by mid-July, please contact the Scholarships Officer.

How to Apply: The mode of applying is by post.

Scholarship Application Deadline: Do submit your applications till 24 May 2013.

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UK Scholarships
PhD Scholarships

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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

2013 National Student Fellowships for Undergraduate Students in Canada

2013 Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education offer Scholarships Undergraduate Students at Canadian Institutions in Canada

Study Subject(s): Various
Course Level: This scholarship is available for pursuing undergraduate degree level.
Scholarship Provider: STLHE
Scholarship can be taken at: Canada

Eligibility: The award is open to full-time, post-secondary undergraduate college and undergraduate university students studying at Canadian institutions.
- To be eligible, you must be enrolled in your first undergraduate degree program. First- and final-year students are not eligible for the award.

Scholarship Open for International Students: Students from Canada can apply for this scholarship.

Scholarship Description: The 3M National Student Fellowship honors up to ten full-time undergraduate college and undergraduate university students at Canadian institutions who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in their lives and at their college or university. These students embrace a vision of quality education that enhances their academic experience and beyond.

 Number of awards offered: Ten scholarships are offered.

Duration of award(s): Not Known

What does it cover? Total offer is of $5,000.

Selection criteria: The award committee will consider an applicant’s nomination dossier as a unified whole, not simply an assemblage of compartments. Each section of the dossier should reinforce its overall unity. Narrative flow unfolds and reveals the nominee’s character and achievements, and each section adds substance and evidence, constructing a compelling nomination. Because this is an educational leadership award, the dossier’s greatest challenge is defining and demonstrating educational leadership, which goes beyond transcripts, lists of committees chaired, and clubs and/or groups joined. The individual will have to be “brought to life” through concrete evidence, examples, quotes, compelling anecdotes, persuasive support letters, and the inspiring believability of the nominee’s own words. Tell the story of yourself as a learner, a thought-provoker, a visionary, and a community member in action. Do not over-use disciplinary or academic jargon. The award committee is interested in applications reflecting the applicant’s creativity, distinctiveness and personality, and shedding light on an exceptional leadership profile. The nominator (see below) is encouraged to “make a case” for the applicant’s leadership profile by connecting the material within the dossier to show how the applicant is deserving of this Fellowship.

How to Apply: The mode of applying is online.

Scholarship Application Deadline: The deadline for submitting a scholarship application is January 14, 2013.

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Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students
Scholarship for Canadian Students

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2012 Research Associate Position in Statistical Genetics of Infectious Diseases at University College London in UK

Research Department of Genetics, Evolution & Environment offers Research Associate Position in Statistical Genetics of Infectious Diseases at University College London in UK 2012

Study Subject(s):The scholarship is provided to learn Statistical Genetics of Infectious Diseases.
Course Level:This scholarship is for pursuing Research level.
Scholarship Provider: ERC
Scholarship can be taken at: Students will get their studies in UK.

The successful candidate will have a PhD in a relevant subject and have research expertise in statistical and computational methods used for genetics data.

Scholarship Open for International Students:  The students of UK can apply.

Scholarship Description: The UCL Genetics Institute is seeking applications to fill a Research Associate post within the group of Professor Francois Balloux. The successful applicant will work on the development and application of new methodologies to extract biologically and medically relevant information from genomic data from a variety of pathogens. The aims are to contribute to the development of improved methods for reconstructing outbreaks and epidemics, including the reconstruction of transmission chains (i.e. who infected whom). The concomitant goal is to get an improved understanding of mutation accumulation over time, in particular in the context of antibiotic resistance in bacteria.

Number of Awards: Not Known

Tenure of Awards: It is applicable for the duration of 36 months.

Value: £32,055 â€" £38,744 per annum.

Other Benefits: Not Known

Selection criteria:Not Known

Notification: Not Known

How to Apply: The mode of applying is online.

Scholarship Application Deadline: Do submit your applications till 12 Nov 2012.

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Similar Post:
Scholarship for International students in UK
Scholarships for African Students in UK

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Monday, November 26, 2012

2013 Kath Watson Scholarship for Women at Swinburne University of Technology in Australia

2013 Kath Watson Scholarship for Women for Certificate IV,  Undergraduate and Postgraduate  Program at Swinburne University of Technology in Australia

Study Subject(s):The scholarship is provided to learn any of the course offered by the university.
Course Level: This scholarship is for pursuing Certificate IV, Undergraduate and Postgraduate level.
Scholarship Provider:Swinburne University of Technology.
Scholarship can be taken at: Students will get their studies in Australia.

-  Be a female applicant commencing or undertaking a full time study program at Swinburne University of Technology, at Certificate IV level and above in semester1, 2013.
- Demonstrate financial need and educational disadvantage .
-Demonstrate a commitment to study and career aspirations.
-  Have had an interrupted education, ie. at least two years away from full time study.
-  Be 25 years of age or older by 1 January, 2013.
-  Be an Australian citizen, an Australian permanent resident or holder of a permanent.

Scholarship Open for International Students: The students of Australia can apply.

Scholarship Description:The Kath Watson Foundation was established in December 2010 to provide funds to encourage increased participation of female students from disadvantaged backgrounds pursuing tertiary education at Swinburne University of Technology. The Kath Watson Scholarship for Women aims to:• support female students from disadvantaged background to undertake and/or continue tertiary education at Swinburne University of Technology; and enable female students to achieve their full academic potential, by reducing the need to work outside of study in order to finance their study costs.

Number of awards offered: Not Known

Tenure of award: It is applicable for five years.

Value: Total offer is of $2,000 per year.

Other Benefits: Not Known

Selection criteria:Not Known

Notification: Not Known

How to Apply: The mode of applying is electronically.

Scholarship Application Deadline: Do submit your applications till  25 January 2013

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Australian  Scholarship
International Scholarship in Australia

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2012 Doctoral Research Positions in Agricultural Economics at University of Goettingen in Germany

PhD Research Positions in the field of Agricultural Economics, General Economics at University of Goettingen in Germany, 2012

Study Subject(s):The scholarship is provided to learn Agricultural Economics.
Course Level:This scholarship is for pursuing PhD level.
Scholarship Provider: The Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, University of Goettingen
Scholarship can be taken at: Students will get their studies in Germany.

Eligibility: -Successful candidates will have an outstanding Master’s degree in agricultural economics, general economics, or a related discipline, strong analytical skills, experience with quantitative research methods, proven interest in development policy topics, strong computer skills, and excellent command of the English language.
-Experience with data collection in developing countries will be a plus.

Scholarship Open for International Students: The students of Germany can apply for this scholarship.

Scholarship Description: The doctoral researchers will carry out research on socioeconomic impacts of new technologies and institutional innovations (e.g., new extension approaches, collective action) in the African small farm sector. Micro-level primary data will be collected through surveys and economic experiments, which will be analyzed with econometric techniques. The positions will be based in Goettingen, but will require travel to Africa. To a limited extent, other work at the Chair Group will also be supported. The doctoral researchers will participate in the International PhD Program for Agricultural Sciences in Goettingen (IPAG).

Number of awards offered:Two Scholarships are offered.

Tenure of award: It is applicable for three years

Value: Total offer is of salary scale of TVL E13 (50%).

Other Benefits:Not Known

Selection criteria:Not Known

Notification: Not Known

How to Apply: The mode of applying is electronically.

Scholarship Application Deadline: Do submit your applications till November 9, 2012

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Scholarship for Germany Students
Scholarships in Agriculture

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Sunday, November 25, 2012

2013/14 Career in Law Progression Scholarships at Bournemouth University in UK

2013-2014 Bournemouth University funded Scholarships in the field of Law to Pursue Graduate Diploma, Legal Practice, Master’s Degree in UK

Study Subject(s):

Subjects are  law/CPE ,legal practice course, intellectual property and international commercial law.

Course Level:

This scholarship is available for pursuing graduate diploma, legal practice course, masters degree level.

Scholarship Provider: 

Bournemouth University

Scholarship can be taken at:



-All applicants with a 1st Class honours degree from BU are eligible to apply for this scholarship.
-1st Class honours degree from Bournemouth University
-An outstanding personal profile as evidenced in your personal statement.

Scholarship Open for International Students:

The students of UK can apply for this scholarship.

Scholarship Description:

We have a number of scholarships to award to students who are committed to a continuous programme of legal study at BU.All applicants with a 1st Class honours degree from BU are eligible to apply for this scholarship.£1,000 for the duration of the course. Awards for students on the part-time route will be made on a pro-rata basis.

Number of awards offered:

3 Scholarships are offered 

What does it cover ?

-£1,000 for the duration of the course. Awards for students on the part-time route will be made on a pro-rata basis.
-Scholarships are paid by a reduction in tuition fee.


The successful applicants will be notified four weeks after the deadline.

How to Apply:

The mode of applying is by post.

Scholarship Application Deadline:

The deadline for applications is 31 July 2013 for September 2013 entry, and 1 November 2013 for January 2014 entry.

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UK Scholarships
Undergraduate Scholarships

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2013 Call for Application: CEU Doctoral Fellowships in Environmental Sciences and Policy in Hungary

Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy offers Doctoral Fellowships  at Central European University in Hungary 2013

Study Subject(s): Study subjects are Biodiversity conservation, Environmental policy and governance, Environmental sociology and political ecology, Global and regional environmental processes, Natural resources management and sustainable agriculture and Sustainable energy systems.
Course Level: This scholarship is available for pursuing doctoral degree.
Scholarship Provider: Central European University
Scholarship can be taken at: Hungary

-Applicants must have a Master’s degree (or equivalent) in a related field from a recognized university or institution of higher education, or provide documentation indicating that they will earn such a degree before enrolment in a CEU doctoral course of study.
-Students enrolled in a doctoral program at CEU must not be simultaneously enrolled in other institutions of higher education, and are required, at the beginning of their studies at CEU, to sign a declaration to this effect.

Scholarship Open for International Students: The students of Hungary can apply for this scholarship.

Scholarship Description: The Environmental Sciences and Policy Doctoral Program is now accepting applications for 2013.  Financial assistance is available including tuition waivers and full CEU fellowships that cover all tuition fees and include a generous living allowance for up to three years. CEU offers a competitive package to aid students on doctoral programs. Applying for a CEU doctoral program, you are automatically considered for Full Doctoral Fellowship.

 Duration of award(s): Students admitted into CEU doctoral degree programs are eligible to receive the Full CEU Doctoral Fellowship for up to three years.

What does it cover? The Full CEU Doctoral Fellowship covers tuition and medical insurance. In addition, full fellowship recipients are awarded a monthly stipend of 200,000 HUF calculated to cover educational and accommodation costs (Economics PhD students receive a monthly stipend of 250,000 HUF). Students need to budget additionally for travel, recreation, and incidentals, which can vary with the individual.

Notification: April 1, 2013.

How to Apply: The mode of applying is online.

Scholarship Application Deadline: Do submit our application till January 24, 2013

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Scholarships for Hungarian Students
International PhD Scholarships

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Saturday, November 24, 2012

2013 George Papaioannou Fellowships for Phd Students in Greece

2013 The American School of Classical Studies offers PhD Fellowships for International Students in the field of Modern Greek Political and Social History in Greece

Study Subject(s):

The scholarship is provided to learn modern Greek political and social history.

Course Level:

This scholarship is available for pursuing PhD degree level.

Scholarship Provider:

The American School of Classical Studies

Scholarship can be taken at:



-Awarded to Ph.D. candidates or recent Ph.D.’s researching Greece in the 1940’s and the post-war period.
-Fellows are required to make use of and refer to the George Papaioannou Papers housed at the Archives of the Gennadius Library.
- Open to all nationalities.

Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries:

International students can apply for this scholarship.

Scholarship Description:

The Gennadius Library of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA) announces the George Papaioannou Fellowship established by Mrs. Nadia Tzevelekou, to honor her father George Papaioannou, leader of the Trichonis sub-division of EDES.

Number of awards offered:

Not Known

Duration of award(s):

It is applicable for two months.

What does it cover?

Grant of €1,000. School fees are covered by the award for a maximum of two months. The Fellowship does not include travel costs, housing, board, and other living expenses. The recipient should not plan to work at the Archives of the Gennadius Library during the month of August. A final report is due at the end of the award period, and ASCSA expects that copies of all publications that result from research conducted as a Fellow of the ASCSA be contributed to the Gennadius Library.

How to Apply:

The mode of applying is email.

Scholarship Application Deadline:

Do submit your applications till 15 March 2013.

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 International Scholarship to Study Abroad
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2013 Monbukagakusho Scholarships in International Students at Ritsumeikan University in Japan

Ritsumeikan University offers Monbukagakusho Scholarships for Master’s and PhD Students in the field of Research in Japan

Study Subject(s): The scholarship is provided to learn any of the course offered by the university.
Course Level: This scholarship is for pursuing Master’s and PhD level.
Scholarship Provider: 
Ritsumeikan University
Scholarship can be taken at:
Students will get their studies in Japan.

Eligibility: -Persons who have completed a 16-year education program outside of Japan or who are expected to complete such a program before being enrolled in the graduate school.
-Persons who have graduated from a Japanese university.
-Persons who have completed a 15-year education program in a country outside Japan where the bachelor’s degree program is a three-year degree, or who are expected to complete such a program before being enrolled; who have demonstrated exceptional academic achievement as demonstrated by course grades; and who have received individual permission to apply by Ritsumeikan’s graduate schools prior to the application period (*1).
-Persons who have been recognized as having an academic ability equal to or higher than university graduates by Ritsumeikan University’s graduate schools as a result  of an individual preliminary screening and who have reached 22 years of age or who will reach 22 years of age before being enrolled in the graduate school.

Scholarship Open for International Students: The students of any nationality can apply.

Scholarship Description: The following outlines Ritsumeikan University’s recruiting and application procedures for 2013 University-Recommended Monbukagakusho International Student Scholarships. International Research Students are students who do not intend to acquire academic credits or a degree, but rather intend to conduct research at Ritsumeikan University’s professors and receive research guidance from its professors.

Number of awards offered: Not Known

Tenure of award: Not Known 

Value: Not Known 

Other Benefits: Not Known 

Selection criteria: Not Known

Notification: Mid-July, 2013

How to Apply:The mode of applying is by Electronically.

Scholarship Application Deadline: Do submit your applications till 5 November 2012.

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Japan Scholarships
Masters scholarships

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Friday, November 23, 2012

2013 Ashok Khurana Scholarships for Outstanding Indian School Teachers in Australia

2013 Professor Ashok Khurana funded Scholarships for Outstanding Indian School Teachers for Postgraduate Coursework in the field of Education at the University of Adelaide in Australia

Study Subject(s): Subject is Education.
Course Level: This scholarship is available for pursuing postgraduate degree level.
Scholarship Provider: Professor Ashok Khurana
Scholarship can be taken at: Australia

Eligibility:-Applicants must be able to demonstrate genuine excellence in teaching, an ability to enhance educational outcomes for students in their school, district, city, state or country and outstanding potential for leadership in education.
-Applicants must be Indian nationals.
-Applicants must have already applied for admission to the Master of Education program at the University of Adelaide prior to applying for this scholarship

Scholarship Open for International Students: The students of India can apply for this scholarship.

Scholarship Description: This scholarship has been established by Professor Ashok Khurana to support the post-graduate education of a practising, tertiary qualified, school teacher working within the Indian education system. Applicants must be Indian nationals.This scholarship is open to a tertiary qualified teacher with a recognized undergraduate degree and at least five years teaching experience in India.This scholarship will support the successful applicant to undertake a Master of Education program of study on a full time basis at the University of Adelaide. The scholarship is valued at $25,000 for one year, payable towards the recipient’s airfares, living expenses and tuition fees. The successful applicant will also receive a 50% discount on the tuition fees for one year of the Master of Education program.

What does it cover? This scholarship will support the successful applicant to undertake a Master of Education program of study on a full time basis at the University of Adelaide. The scholarship is valued at $25,000 for one year, payable towards the recipient’s airfares, living expenses and tuition fees. The successful applicant will also receive a 50% discount on the tuition fees for one year of the Master of Education program.

Selection criteria: Selection of the successful applicant will be made according to academic merit, along with demonstrated leadership qualities and ability to enhance educational outcomes for students in their school, district, city, state or country.

How to Apply: The mode of applying is by post.

Scholarship Application Deadline: Do submit your applications till 14 December 2012.

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Masters Scholarships

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2013 Victor Pinchuk Foundation World Wide Studies Scholarships at University of Birmingham in UK

2013 Victor Pinchuk Foundation funded Masters Students from Ukraine in the field of Agricultural Studies, Environment and Ecology, Law, and Public Administration at University of Birmingham in UK

Study Subject(s): Subjects are agricultural studies, environment and ecology, law, and public administration.
 Course Level: This scholarship is available for pursuing master degree level.
Scholarship Provider: Victor Pinchuk Foundation
Scholarship can be taken at: UK

Eligibility: Applicants must:
-be citizens of Ukraine
-be under the age of 35 years of age (at the moment of enrolment at the University of Birmingham)
-have Bachelor’s Degree in an appropriate subject, relating to the subject of the chosen Masters Degree programme
-demonstrate clear vision regarding how they will apply their expertise, research and experience in the Ukraine

Scholarship Open for International Students: The students of Ukraine can apply for this scholarship.

Scholarship Description: World Wide Studies is an educational initiative of the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, aimed at fostering a new generation of Ukrainian professional elite.The scholarship programme encourages Ukrainian students to study Master’s degrees in the world’s best universities, in the following subject areas: Agricultural Studies, Environment and Ecology, Law, and Public Administration.The scholarships will primarily cover tuition fees, books and medical insurance. The maximum grant awarded will be based on the needs and merits of each individual student. The majority of the grants will cover up to 60% of the total costs.Prospective students are advised to apply directly to the University of Birmingham, and complete the formal application and admissions procedures. Prospective applicants should then apply to the Victor Pinchuk Foundation.The Victor Pinchuk Foundation will expect all grant winners to return to Ukraine and work in their chosen field of study for at least 5 years.

What does it cover? The scholarships will primarily cover tuition fees, books and medical insurance. The maximum grant awarded will be based on the needs and merits of each individual student. The majority of the grants will cover up to 60% of the total costs.

How to Apply: -Independently apply to the University of Birmingham and complete all the admissions procedures (between September and March each year)
-submit a scholarship application to the Victor Pinchuk Foundation (between September and May each year)
-deadline for scholarship applications to Victor Pinchuk Foundation is mid-May each year
-prospective students may be invited to an interview at the Victor Pinchuk Foundation (between May and June each year)
-students accepted for the scholarships awards will be asked to sign an agreement with the Victor Pinchuk Foundation

Scholarship Application Deadline: Do submit your applications till 15 May 2013.

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