Mexican Government
Postgraduate Degree
Deadline: 31 July 2014
Study in: Mexico
Course starts 2015
Brief description:
On behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID) invites foreign citizens who are interested in studying for a specialization, master’s degree or doctorate, conducting graduate or postdoctoral research, or taking part in an undergraduate or graduate-level academic mobility program, to participate in the 2015 Mexican Government Scholarship Program for International Students.
Scholarships are not granted for direct Ph.D. programs (combined M.A. and Ph.D. programs), distance learning programs, open or online education.
Host Institution/Eligible Programs:
The following institutions and academic programs are included at this link.  The following academic programs are NOT eligible for scholarships: business administration, plastic surgery, accounting, marketing, dentistry and advertising, and related areas.
Number of Scholarships:
Not specified.
Target group:
The scholarships are offered to students from the following countries.
Scholarship value/inclusions:
• Registration fees and tuition, as established by the program at each institution.
• Health insurance from the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), starting in the third month of the scholarship. (The scholarship recipient must have health insurance that covers both major and minor medical expenses and provides international coverage for the first three months in Mexico.)
• Transportation from Mexico City to the host institution and back at the start and end of the scholarship, if studying outside of Mexico City.
• Monthly stipend of $8,074.80 Mexican pesos (equivalent to USD$595.934) for undergraduate mobility scholarships, specializations, master’s degree or master’s degree research, Spanish language, and Mexican culture courses.
• Monthly stipend of $10,093.50 Mexican pesos (equivalent to USD$744.912) for doctoral studies and research, postdoctoral fellowships and medical specializations and subspecializations.
Requirements for all applicants:
• Bachelor’s, Master’s, or PhD Degree , as required by the program for which the scholarship is requested.
• Minimum grade point average of eight (8.0) on a scale of 0 to 10, or the equivalent, for the last academic degree received.
•  Be accepted to or currently enrolled in a program at one of the participating Mexican institutions.
Application instructions:
No applications will be accepted directly from the applicants. The entire scholarship application process must be done at the Mexican or concurrent  embassy for the applicant’s country. Applications for the scholarships will be accepted until 31 July 2014.
It is important to read the Scholarship Terms and Conditions and visit the official website (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.
Official Scholarship Website: Â
Related Scholarships: