At this page of, we have complied a full listing of academic scholarships for Louisiana State University. LSU is the flagship institution of Louisiana State and is one of only 30 universities nationwide holding land-grant, sea-grant and space-grant status. It generally awards scholarships in the form of cash awards, full tuition and nonresident fee exemptions, room and board and employment opportunities to students who meet certain academic qualifications. Approximately $200 million is disbursed annually through these programs. These scholarships are available for entering freshmen, transfer or international students as well. The various LSU academic scholarships are categorized as follows:
These include three types of scholarships i.e. entering freshmen scholarships, transfer student scholarships and international student scholarships.
LSU Entering Freshmen Resident and Nonresident Scholarships: Most awards listed below offer a full cost of attendance for four years, as well as an unprecedented level of funding for enrichment experiences. The LSU “Application for Undergraduate Admissions†is an automatic application for entering freshmen scholarships. The priority date for full consideration for LSU’s scholarship programs is November 15.
-Chancellor’s Alumni Scholars Award available for Top 10 entering freshmen with a competitive ACT or SAT writing score submitted to LSU. Students receive $2,000 per year (nonresident) tuition exemption, nonresident fee exemption (nonresident), on-campus room and board scholarship, a one-time $2,000 study abroad stipend and the opportunity to earn up to an additional $1,550 per year by participating in the Chancellor’s Future Leaders in Research Program.
-LSU Alumni Association’s Global Leaders Award is available to the top 50 entering freshmen (including both residents and nonresidents not selected as Chancellor’s Alumni Scholars) based on ACT/SAT scores and a computed, six-semester high school GPA of at least a 3.0. Award includes a one-time $2,000 study abroad stipend and the opportunity to earn up to an additional $1,550 per year by participating in the Chancellor’s Future Leaders in Research Program.
-LSU Distinguished Freshman Award of $750 to $2,000 per year is awarded based on financial need to college-sponsored national merit finalist who indicates LSU as their first-choice institution and the opportunity to earn up to $1,550 per year.
-Flagship Scholars Award of $2,000 per year is available to students with act score of 33 to 36 or a critical reading and math SAT score of 1440 to 1600 and a 3.0 cumulative computed, six semester high school GPA (not selected as a Chancellor’s Alumni Scholar). Students participating in this program can work up to 20 hours per week to earn up to $1,550 per year.
-LSU Academic Scholars Award of $10,000 per year (nonresident) or $1,500 (resident) plus the opportunity to earn up to an additional $1,550 for students with ACT score of 30 to 32 or a critical reading and math SAT score of 1330 to 1430 and a 3.0 cumulative computed, six semester high school GPA.
-Tiger Excellence Scholars Award of $5,000 per year (nonresident) or $1,000 per year (resident) to students with ACT score of 28 to 29 or a critical reading and math SAT score of 1250 to 1320 AND a 3.0 cumulative computed, six semester high school GPA.
Transfer Student Scholarships: Transfer student scholarships are awarded until all funding is exhausted. Students are encouraged to apply early, to receive full consideration. All applicants are urged to apply for admission by the priority deadline of April 15 for full consideration, as funding is limited for this award. No additional scholarship application is required. The following three types of awards are available for transfer students:
-Tiger Transfer: Phi Theta Kappa of $5,000 per year for resident or nonresident students with 3.5 GPA. Applicants must be current member of Phi Theta Kappa. Priority will be given to applicants for the fall semester.
-Tiger Transfer: Excellence of $1,500 (resident) or $3,000 (nonresident) per year for students who have earned associate degree from a community college.
-Tiger Transfer of $1,000 (resident) or $1,500 (nonresident) per year for student with 3.5 GPA.
International Student Scholarships: At present, the LSU does not offer any scholarship program specifically for international students. But an international entering freshman can be considered for traditional freshman scholarships if they are a non US citizen that has attended a US High School or American school in another country. These students must submit an official ACT or SAT score to LSU.
Departmental Scholarships:
Below is the listing of various departmental scholarships available:
Senior College Scholarships are available for entering freshmen and transfer students, as well as currently enrolled students, who intend to major or are currently majoring in a curriculum within a specific college. The application for admission also serves as the primary application for all academic college scholarship opportunities. Students selected for one of these scholarships are notified directly by the academic college. The following colleges offer different types of scholarships: College of Agriculture scholarships; College of Art & Design scholarships; E. J. Ourso College of Business scholarships and College of Engineering scholarships.
Honors College Scholarships: The Honors College directly awards or participates in awarding the following five scholarships for entering Honors College freshmen only:
-Stamps Leadership Scholarship includes the full cost of attendance for four years, as well as a potential $14,000 for enrichment experiences.
-Shell Honors Student Leaders, a four year scholarship program includes an annual stipend of $500 for freshmen and sophomore, $1000 for junior and $1500 for senior.
-Science Honors Scholarship, a merit based scholarship for students seeking a degree of that college with four years of Honors College participation.
-William L. Jenkins Scholarship with a total amount of $4000 over four years provides need-based support to minority students in Business or Engineering disciplines.
-John Hardy Blue Scholarship, a need based award for first-year students from the state of Texas.
The Honors College also provides current students with opportunities for scholarship support throughout their four years of enrollment as follows:
-Roger Hadfield Ogden Leaders Program up to $5,000 each for undergraduate students who possess extraordinary ability, commitment, and imagination to pursue a self-guided project of significance to the state of Louisiana.
-Ten TAF Honors College Awards of $500 is available for Promising National Scholars. Applicants must have a GPA of 3.75 or higher.
-TAF Honors Study Abroad Scholarship ranges from $500 to $1000 to encourage students to participate in international programs for academic credit.
-TAF Honors Thesis Research Scholarship to assist students with the research and production of an Honors Thesis project. Awards may be used towards travel expenses, materials, reduction of non-academic employment, or other expenses that will further thesis research.
-Honors College Outstanding Student Award of $100 towards books for freshmen, sophomores and juniors.
-Honors College Outstanding Thesis Award is awarded in the categories of humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, professional and technical disciplines.
LSU Foundation Award: These are primarily awarded to current students. Traditionally, enrolled students must have a minimum of 24 earned hours with a 3.0 overall GPA to receive consideration. Awards are also available for entering freshmen and transfer students.
Board of Supervisors Scholarship: These scholarships are available for undergraduate students for a full academic year unless awarded for a single semester only (fall, spring, and summer). Students who are awarded a TOPS Scholarship are not eligible to receive an LSU Board of Supervisors’ Scholarship. Each member of the Board of Supervisors and the President of the LSU System shall be authorized to award 20 tuition exemption scholarships each academic year. Students must also submit a personal statement with the application form. Personal statements are essays no greater than 750 words. Applications are due to the LSU Board of Supervisors office according to the following schedule: June 15 for fall semester; November 15 for spring semester and April 15 for summer semester.
ROTC Scholarships: These are for students contemplating military careers. Students can enroll in the Army or Air Force ROTC programs at LSU or cross-enroll in the Navy ROTC program at Southern University.
Other Scholarships and Awards:
Apart from above scholarships, there are following awards and scholarships available.
TOPS-Louisiana’s Tuition Opportunity Program for Students: This program is available for Louisiana residents who may qualify for tuition assistance and in some cases, cash stipends through this state-funded program. TOPS has three components: the Opportunity Award includes tuition assistance for four years; the Performance Award includes tuition assistance and a $400 per year cash stipend for four years; and the Honors Award that provides tuition assistance and a cash stipend of $800 per year for four years. To be considered for this award, applicants should complete the FAFSA or LOSFA application by July 1 each year.
Academic Common Market: It is a tuition-saving program for college students in the 16 Southern Regional Education Board member states. This program is available to pursue degrees that are not offered by their in-state institutions.
Legislative Act 353: Under this act, children of policemen and firemen killed or permanently disabled in the line of duty in Louisiana receive an exemption from tuition, an exemption from on-campus room and board, and a book allowance. Students are required to enroll full-time to receive this benefit.
Additional Scholarship Opportunities: These include Bengal Group Scholarship from $5,000 to $250 for a period of one year; Chafee Educational and Training Voucher (ETV) Program that awards up to $5,000 per year to students who have been in the foster care system; Child of deceased faculty member fee exemption includes an exemption from all university-assessed undergraduate fees for sons and daughters of faculty members who had five or more years of service in the LSU System at the time of death; City Year Program includes admission application fee waiver for undergraduate students; Louisiana veterans foundation program includes a $1,500 initial scholarship that may be used for tuition, books, or room and board and Marine corps scholarship ranges from $1,500 to $40,000 for the children of those who were wounded or killed in combat operations.
There are also various external scholarships available that the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships administers. The eligibility criteria, application procedure and deadline of each scholarship in above listing vary. So students should properly check link and apply accordingly.
All the best!!!