Tuesday, April 14, 2015

UBC Public Scholars Award for Canadian and International Students, 2015

The University of British Columbia (UBC) is inviting applications for scholars award from Canadian and international students. These awards are available for PhD students who are interested in explicitly linking their doctoral work to an arena of public benefit and integrating broader and more career-relevant forms of scholarship into their doctoral education process. Funding is available for up to 50 students in 2015-16. Up to $10,000 per student is available to support innovative dissertation scholarship which the student would otherwise be unable to pursue. The application deadline is May 15, 2015.

Study Subject(s): Public scholars may be said to engage in scholarship that entails mutually beneficial partnerships of university knowledge and resources with those of the public and private sectors to contribute to the public good through: enriching knowledge, scholarship, creative activity, intellectual curiosity, and wonder; enhancing curriculum, teaching and learning; preparing educated, engaged citizens; and/or addressing and helping solve critical problems.
Course Level: Awards are available for pursuing doctoral dissertation program at University of British Columbia.
Scholarship Provider: University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada
Scholarship can be taken at:

-PhD students in years 1-5 (for both initial and second year of funding, if applicable).
-Canadian, permanent resident and international students can apply for these awards.

Scholarship Open for International Students: University of British ColumbiaCanadian and international students can apply for these scholarships.

Scholarship Description: This award is part of the UBC Public Scholars Initiative intended to build connections, community, and capacity for PhD students who are interested in explicitly linking their doctoral work to an arena of public benefit and integrating broader and more career-relevant forms of scholarship into their doctoral education process. Up to $10,000 per student is available to support innovative dissertation scholarship which the student would otherwise be unable to pursue.

Number of award(s): Funding is available for up to 50 students in 2015-16.

Duration of award(s): Students may be eligible for renewal for a second year.

What does it cover? Up to $10,000 per student is available to support innovative dissertation scholarship which the student would otherwise be unable to pursue. Funding can be used for:
-Student stipend, if the student’s current funding source would not allow the alternative project(s)
-A research allowance
-An allowance for professional development relevant to the scholarly work
-A travel allowance for collaborative work

Selection Criteria: Selection will based on the following criteria:
-Student’s past accomplishments and future promise. Breadth of interest and accomplishment will be important, as well as an indication of the student’s fit with the proposed project.
-Quality of proposed scholarship. The following factors will be taken into account: the work requires a high level of expertise in a discipline(s) and/or methodology; the goals are clearly defined, realistic, and identify important questions; adequate preparation for and understanding of the subject is indicated; appropriate methods are proposed to achieve the goals; plans to document and disseminate the work are appropriate and effective and the work has significance and is likely to contribute positively to the public good
-Need for alternative funding sources.
-Consideration will also be given to breadth of the initiative across disciplines.

Notification: Applicants will be notified of the results of the adjudication by the second half of June.

How to Apply: Applications should be submitted via email. Student applications must include the following information, for submission to Ms. Lisa Pountney by May 15, 2015:
-Name, student number, contact information, PhD year, and program
-Student’s statement of purpose (maximum 1 page)
-Student’s CV (CCV)
-Research proposal, including summary of research to date if applicable (maximum 2 pages)
-Letter of support and engagement from supervisor. Please address student’s capability to engage in the proposed work and your approach to supporting the student’s goals relevant to the Public Scholar initiative.
For students requesting funding, please also include:
-Amount requested, proposed use of funds, and budget within funding period
-If stipend support is requested, please include: current funding, with source(s); indication of other scholarship applications made since start of PhD program and explanation of why current stipend support is unavailable or insufficient
-If an external collaborator is involved: their name(s), organization, contact information, and a letter of support from them

Scholarship Application Deadline: The application deadline is May 15, 2015.

Further Official Scholarship Information and Application

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