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Zonta International Foundation offers business scholarships for women applicants at any university, college or institution offering accredited business courses and degrees in USA. The International Women applicants can apply for this scholarship. Applicants must be enrolled in at least the second year of an undergraduate programme through the final year of a master’s programme at the time application. Zonta International awards scholarships of US$1,000 each at the district/region level and also awards twelve international scholarships in the amount of US$7,000 each.
Study Subject(s): The scholarship is provided in Business management.
Course Level: Enrolled in the at least the second year of an undergraduate programme through the final year of a master’s programme at the time application is submitted (applicants must still be attending school to receive this award).
Scholarship Provider: Generous contributions from Zontians, Zonta clubs and friends of Zonta.
Scholarship can be taken at: USA
Eligibility:-Women pursuing a business or business-related degree who demonstrate outstanding potential in the field are eligible.
-Enrolled in the at least the second year of an undergraduate programme through the final year of a master’s programme at the time application is submitted (applicants must still be attending school to receive this award).
-Online students are also eligible.
-Members and employees of Zonta International or the Zonta International Foundation are not eligible to apply for the Scholarships.
Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: The International Women applicants can apply for this scholarship.
Scholarship Description: The program operates at the Zonta club, district/region and international levels. Zonta clubs provide awards for club recipients. Zonta International awards scholarships of US$1,000 each at the district/region level and twelve international scholarships in the amount of US$7,000 each. The Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarships are awarded annually and may be used for tuition, books or living expenses at any university, college or institution offering accredited business courses and degrees.
Number of awards offered: Twelve international scholarships are offered.
Duration of award(s): The Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarships are awarded annually.
What does it cover? Zonta International awards scholarships of US$1,000 each at the district/region level and twelve international scholarships in the amount of US$7,000 each.Tuition, books or living expenses at any university, college or institution offering accredited business courses and degrees.
Selection Criteria: Not Known
Notification:Â A club recipient is selected, and the application is presented to the Governor/Region South America Representative by 1 July 2013. The district/region recipient is selected, and the application is presented to Zonta International Headquarters by 1 September 2013. International recipients will be contacted by their Zonta club leader by mid October 2013.
How to Apply: The mode of applying is electronically.
Scholarship Application Deadline: Applications must be completed and presented to Zonta clubs according to the club’s assigned deadline. The application closing date is April/May.
Further Official Scholarship Information and Application
Scholarship Tags: 2013, Business, DEGREE, International, Management, Master's, scholarships, Undergraduate, USA, women
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