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Romanian Cultural Institute offers Seton-Watson Grants for foreign researchers in Romania. The value of the grant is 3000 €/person for the length of 3 months. Romanian Cultural Institute awards 3 research grants on a yearly basis to research and documentation in fields of social sciences (history, political science, international relations, anthropology, sociology, economy, and law), literature, cultural patrimony and its management. The International students can apply for these grants. Applicants must be undergraduate and graduate students (MA and PhD) who prepare their final papers(dissertations, theses). The last date for submitting the applications is May 15, 2013.
Study Subject(s): The scholarship is provided in Social sciences (History, Political Science, International Relations, Anthropology, Sociology, Economy, Law), Literature, Cultural patrimony and its management. The topic of the projects has to refer to Romania.
Course Level: 3 months programme for academic improvement, aiming undergraduate and graduate students (MA and PhD) who prepare their final papers (dissertations, theses).
Scholarship Provider: Romanian Cultural Institute
Scholarship can be taken at: Romania
Eligibility:Â The programme is dedicated to academic improvement, aiming undergraduate and graduate students (MA and PhD) who prepare their final papers (dissertations, theses).
Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: The International students can apply for this scholarship.
Scholarship Description: The program is dedicated to academic improvement, aiming undergraduate and graduate students (MA and PhD) who prepare their final papers (dissertations, theses). The selection is performed by an independent committee of professionals, based on an application file that must contain, among other papers, a reference letter from the supervisor of the BA or MA dissertation or doctoral thesis. The topic of the projects has to refer to Romania. The documentation and research period takes place in Romania until the end of this calendar year.
Number of awards offered: ICR awards 3 grants on a yearly basis.
Duration of award(s): It is applicable for 3 months.
What does it cover? 3000 €/person
Selection Criteria: Not Known
Notification:Â Not known
How to Apply: The mode of applying is by post. Required application papers:
-application form;
-project’s description that will contain no more than five pages written in MS Office, TNR, 12 p., single-spaced;
-a copy of the passport or the identity card;
-2 reference letters (one from the supervisor and the second one from another professor, preferably an academic specialized on the proposed topic);
-printed copies of studies published in the last two years in a scientific review or a specialized online journal acknowledged in the field chosen by the candidate, written (or translated) into English;
-The period for which the grant application is made.
All the documents must be drafted in English or Romanian.
Scholarship Application Deadline: Deadline for submitting the applications: May 15, 2013.
Further Official Scholarship Information and Application
Scholarship Tags: 2013, Cultural, Foreign, GRANTS, International, Literature, Management, patrimony, Researchers, Romania, Sciences, Social, students
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