The Scotiabank/CJFE Journalism Fellowship is available to a full-time journalist who has at least seven years’ experience and is employed as a print, broadcast or online reporter or editor. Fellowship is open to applicants from South America, Central America, the Caribbean and Mexico. Fellowship is a two 4-month semesters (starting September 3) fellowship to be held at Massey College in the University of Toronto. The applications deadline is February 20, 2015.
Study Subject(s): Fellowship is awarded in the field of journalism.
Course Level: This is a eight-month Fellowship programme for journalist.
Scholarship Provider: The Fellowship was formed through a generous grant from Scotiabank, and is coordinated by CJFE (Canadian Journalists for Free Expression).
Scholarship can be taken at: Canada
Eligibility: The following criteria are necessary for successful candidates:
-Applicants should be mid-career (minimum 7 years’ experience) working journalists or editors in print, broadcast or online newspapers, magazines or news agencies in Latin America or the Caribbean. Applicants with fewer than 7 years experience will not be considered for this fellowship;
-Applicants should be deemed by their employers to have potential for advancement and be able to show a strong commitment to free expression in their work;
-Applicants must be able to communicate and study in English;
-Applicants must provide assurance of resuming their employment with their employer for at least one year after completing the Scotiabank/CJFE Fellowship;
-The employer must assure applicants of resumption of their employment upon completion of the Scotiabank/CJFE Fellowship.
-In meeting the Fellowship’s objective of dialogue between journalists in the Americas, Fellows and their media organization will be asked for feedback, within several months after their return, about the impact the Fellowship has had on the journalists’ work. Fellows will be expected to provide samples of work produced as a result of the Fellowship.
-The 2015/2016 Fellow must be prepared to begin application for a Canadian travel visa immediately upon receiving his/her official acceptance.
Scholarship Open for International Students: Fellowship is open to applicants from South America, Central America, the Caribbean and Mexico.
Scholarship Description: Launched in 2008, the Scotiabank/CJFE Fellowship is a two-semester fellowship held at Massey College, the Graduate Residential College in the University of Toronto. The Fellowship was formed through a generous grant from Scotiabank, and is coordinated by CJFE. Run in tandem with the Canadian Journalism Fellowship Program, the Scotiabank/CJFE Fellowship commences in September, and runs until the close of the spring semester in April. The Scotiabank/CJFE Fellow is expected to enroll in any graduate or undergraduate courses and is able to use the full facilities of the University. There are no educational prerequisites for a Fellowship; nor does the Fellow receive credits or degrees for work done during the year. Accommodation is provided by Massey College. The objective of the Fellowship is to enhance inter-American understanding and promote dialogue through an exploration of current issues in journalism and free expression in the Americas in an academic setting.
Number of award(s): Not Known
Duration of award(s):Â The Scotiabank/CJFE Fellowship will underwrite for the two 4-month semesters (starting September 3).
What does it cover? Those selected are appointed Fellows-at-Large at the University of Toronto, with all the privileges of a Senior Resident of Massey College. The Scotiabank/CJFE Fellowship will underwrite for the two 4-month semesters (starting September 3): (1) the Fellow’s monthly stipend; (2) all university costs; (3) travel expenses up to the cost of ONE economy airfare to and from Toronto; (4) accommodation and meals; (5) travel expenses for organized trips taken during the program and (6) University Health Insurance.
Selection Criteria: Not Known
Notification: A selection committee, including representatives of CJFE, the University of Toronto and Massey College, will review applications and make a final decision. The successful candidate will be notified by March 20, 2015.
How to Apply: Completed application forms together with three letters of reference, a statement of past media experience and future plans, samples of work and supporting letter from the employer must arrive at the offices of CJFE in Toronto.
Scholarship Application Deadline: The deadline for applications for the 2015-2016 Fellowship is February 20, 2015.
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