The study of Immunology is concerned with the investigation of functions of the body’s immune system in order to treat and control a range of diseases and disorders. For making career in Immunology students can pursue their bachelor’s and postgraduate degree. As an Immunologist, you can find work in private offices, clinics or hospitals, coordinating with other providers to diagnose and treat immunological issues. You can also find opportunities in clinical and academic settings, as well as in industrial research.
There are many universities, colleges and organizations which offer many scholarships and grants in Immunology. The below list will help you in searching scholarship for making a career in Immunology.
Scholarship Program: Student Training and Research in Tumor Immunology (STaRT) Grant 2013
Employer: Cancer Research Institute
Level of Study: Research
Subjects: Tumor immunology
Country: USA
Scholarship Description: Through its Student Training and Research in Tumor Immunology (STaRT) Program, the Cancer Research Institute seeks to attract bright young minds to rewarding careers as cancer immunologists. STaRT Grants provide up to two years of support for graduate students conducting thesis research in the area of tumor immunology. A panel of scientists drawn from the Institute’s Scientific Advisory Council rigorously evaluates each candidate, the thesis advisor and training environment, and the nature and feasibility of their research.
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program: Postdoctoral Research Position in Immunology at University of Hasselt, Belgium
Employer: University of Hasselt
Level of Study: Postdoctoral
Subjects: Immunology
Country: Belgium
Scholarship Description: The candidate will work in frame of an interuniversitary program named “T-TIME†(IUAP funded). The IUAP network groups Belgian research groups with excellent track record in T-cell immunology and aims to provide in depth knowledge of T-cell regulation and tolerance. As one of the partners, BIOMED will focus on autoimmune T-cell responses and immunosenescence in the context of multiple sclerosis.
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Mathematical Immunology at the Hamilton Institute, Ireland
Employer: Hamilton Institute, National University of Ireland
Level of Study: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Subjects: Mathematical Immunology
Country: Ireland
Scholarship Description: Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position within the applied probability group at the Hamilton Institute, National University of Ireland, Maynooth.This is a full-time research position for 3 years to develop theoretical models to explain and extrapolate from data developed on a Human Frontiers Science Programme grant. Partners on the grant include the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI, Europe), the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (WEHI, Australia) and Drexel University (USA).
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program: Research Associates Position in Cell Biology, Tumor Biology, Immunology and Infection Biology in Sweden
Employer: Karolinska Institute
Level of Study: Research
Subjects: Cell biology, tumor biology, immunology and/or infection biology
Country: Sweden
Scholarship Description: The Department runs a very active research seminar series with daily presentations from national and international experts. There are ample opportunities for creative interactions within and between the different research areas at MTC.
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program: Postgraduate Research Scholarships at Murdoch University, Australia
Employer: Murdoch University
Level of Study: Postgraduate Research
Subjects: Animal Production, Crop and Pasture Production, Fisheries Sciences, Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy, Clinical Sciences, Immunology, Medical Microbiology, Film, Television and Digital Media, Communication and Media Studies, Physical Chemistry, Asian studies, Zoology and Veterinary Science.
Country: Australia
Scholarship Description:  Murdoch University is one of Australia’s most research-intensive universities. Murdoch’s Higher Degree by Research completion rates are amongst the highest in Australia across a broad range of Areas of Research strength, for example Animal Production, Crop and Pasture Production, Fisheries Sciences, Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy, Clinical Sciences, Immunology, Medical Microbiology, Film, Television and Digital Media, Communication and Media Studies, Physical Chemistry, Asian studies, Zoology and Veterinary Science.
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program: PhD Scholarships in Cancer Immunology and Immune Therapy
Employer: University of Queensland
Level of Study: PhD
Subjects: Cancer Immunology and Immune Therapy
Country: Australia
Scholarship Description: The Centre for Immune and Targeted Therapy (CITT) is a unique, collaborative research centre in which basic and clinical research into the treatment of cancer undertaken within the University of Queensland is integrated into state of the art private sector cancer care. Our vibrant laboratory research team works closely within the hospital environment, particularly in cancer therapy, and focuses on translating basic laboratory science into clinically applicable cell based immune therapies. Successful applicants will be supervised by leading cancer specialists undertaking trials of new cancer treatments and by an internationally recognized cancer research scientist. The unit is based at the University of Queensland Research Laboratories in the Gallipoli Medical Research Centre at Greenslopes Private Hospital.
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program: PhD Scholarship in Immunology and Transplantation
Employer: Progreffe Foundation
Level of Study: PhD
Subjects: Immunology and Transplantation
Country: France
Scholarship Description: We are looking for a highly motivated and successful student of any nationality with a Master degree. The PhD position will cover 3 years of salary for research activity and will provide training in a strong research environment and participation to local seminars and international meetings. The applicant should choose one project among five predefined research proposals with topics covering many areas of research related to transplantation and autoimmune diseases, including Molecular & Cell Biology, Immunology and Gene Therapy. This PhD position financed by the Progreffe foundation will be held at University of Nantes.
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program: Gordon Ada PhD Scholarship in Immunology or Virology
Employer: John Curtin School of Medical Research (JCSMR)
Level of Study: PhD
Subjects: Immunology or Virology
Country: Australia
Scholarship Description: The Gordon Ada PhD Scholarship in Immunology or Virology is a supplementary scholarship in honour of eminent Australian and JCSMR immunologist and virologist Professor Gordon Ada. The scholarship is to be awarded annually as funds permit. In the first instance the scholarship will be awarded in vaccine development.
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program: PhD Scholarships in Immunology and Infection
Employer: University of York
Level of Study: PhD
Subjects: Immunology and Infection
Country: UK
Scholarship Description: The Centre for Immunology and Infection (CII), a joint research centre of the Hull York Medical School and the Department of Biology at the University of York, seeks applications from highly motivated and enthusiastic individuals for a fully-funded PhD scholarship.
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Medical Mycology and /or Fungal Immunology
Employer: University of Aberdeen
Level of Study: Postdoctoral
Subjects: Medical Mycology and /or Fungal Immunology
Country: UK
Scholarship Description: To train early career researchers in medical mycology and /or fungal immunology and produce the next generation of high quality researchers in this specific field. Six fellowships are available. A Fellowship is for three years on a full time basis and provides for a salary and research expenses set at £12,000 per annum and travel and accommodation to WTSA organised meetings and events.
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program: PhD-Position in T Cell Immunology: Viral Hepatitis C and Hepatocellular Carcinoma at University of Bern, Switzerland
Employer: University of Bern
Level of Study: PhD
Subjects: T Cell Immunology: Viral Hepatitis C and Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Country: Switzerland
Scholarship Description: Our group is investigating the role of T cell immunology in viral hepatitis such as Hepatitis C (HCV) and in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), respec-tively. Several studies have shown the important role of T cells in elimination and immunopathogenesis of HCV infection. In HCC, Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) is overexpressed in 50% of the patients. In the mouse model, the in-duction of T cell responses were associated with significant protective anti-tumoral T cell responses.
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program: Postdoctoral Fellowship in FAPESP Research Program on Immunology in University of São Paulo â€" Brazil
Employer: University of São Paulo
Level of Study: Postdoctoral
Subjects: Immunology
Country: Brazil
Scholarship Description: FAPESP’s Post-Doctoral fellowship is aimed at distinguished researchers with a recent doctorate degree and a successful research track record. The fellowship enables the development of research within higher education and research institutions located in the State of São Paulo. Post-doctoral fellowships are available within FAPESP funded research projects, when calls for applications are issued internationally, or as individual fellowships requested on demand.
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program: International Fellows-in-Training Travel Scholarship in Allergy/Immunology, USA
Employer: American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology
Level of Study: Training
Subjects: Allergy/Immunology
Country: USA
Scholarship Description: International Fellows-in-Training Travel Scholarships are designed to financially assist research and non-research fellows and residents-in-training in allergy/immunology in attending the AAAAI’s 2013 Annual Meeting. The meeting will be held February 22-26, 2013 in San Antonio, Texas, and will cover current research relevant to the field of Allergy/Immunology.
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program: NUIM Indian Student Scholarships
Employer: The National University of Ireland Maynooth
Level of Study: Master’s
Subjects: Bio-Sciences, Computer Science and Business/Economics/Finance & Accounting
Scholarship Description: The National University of Ireland Maynooth is proud to announce its new range of scholarships for Indian postgraduates for those starting their courses in September 2013.
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program: Microbiology and Immunology Graduate Entrance Awards
Employer: University of Western Ontario
Level of Study: Master’s or Doctoral
Subjects: Microbiology and Immunology
Country: Canada
Scholarship Description: Awarded to new, full-time Masters or Doctoral students who are registered in the Faculty of Graduate Studies and enrolled for their first year of studies in the Microbiology & Immunology graduate program, based on academic achievement (minimum 80% academic average). Up to 4 recipients will be selected annually by the Graduate Committee of the Department of Microbiology & Immunology.
Value: Up to $5,000 per award, depending on budgetary constraints. Award is payable over the first two terms.
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Tags: Immunology, International, Ireland, PhD, Postdoctoral, Posygraduate, research, scholarships, UK, Undergraduate
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