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Best Buy and Best Buy Children’s Foundation offers Undergraduate Scholarships for US Students in USA . Students who are high school graduate in grades 9-12 and enrolled in a college, university or vocational school in the U.S. or Puerto Rico and have work experience are eligible. 1,100 awards of value $1,000 each are awarded. Applications should be sent electronically by February 15, 2013.
Study Subject(s): The scholarship is provided to learn any of the course offered by the university.
Course Level: This scholarship is for pursuing undergraduate degree level.
Scholarship Provider: Best Buy and Best Buy Children’s Foundation
Scholarship can be taken at: USA
Eligibility:-Scholarships are awarded to graduating high school students in grades 9-12 who will be attending a college, university or vocational school in the U.S. or Puerto Rico in the fall immediately following their high school graduation.
-The number of awards granted to students in each grade level (9-12) will be in direct proportion to the number of applications received for each group.
-High school students who take classes at a post secondary institution while in high school (Post secondary Enrollment Option PSEO) will be considered a high school student in the class in which they will earn their high school diploma. Best Buy Co., Inc. employees and relatives of employees who meet the requirements are eligible to apply.
Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: The students of USA can apply for this scholarship.
Scholarship Description: Through its support of out-of-school programs, Best Buy is a conduit for teens to reach development opportunities that are important to them. Best Buy will help teens develop the technology skills they will need for success in college, careers and life and when they’re ready, we’ll help students in grades 9-12 reach their dreams of college by providing access to education through the Best Buy Scholarship Program.
Number of awards offered: 1,100 Scholarships are offered.
Duration of award(s): Not Known
What does it cover? Students will  receive  scholarship of $1,000 each .
Selection Criteria: Scholarship recipients are selected on the basis of academic achievement, volunteerism efforts and/or work experience.
Notification:Provisional recipients will be notified by March 5, 2013 and will need to submit additional information.
How to Apply: The mode of applying is electronically.
Scholarship Application Deadline: The application closing date is February 15th, 2013.
Further Scholarship Information and Application
Scholarship Tags: 2013, best buy, scholarships, students, US, USA
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