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The International Women’s Media Foundation offers Courage in Journalism Awards for women journalists in USA . Candidates should be full-time, part-time or freelance women working in print, broadcast or online media in any country. Nominations may be submitted in English, French, Spanish or Russian. Complete applications should be sent online before March 1, 2013.
Study Subject(s): The IWMF’s mission is to strengthen the role of women in the news media worldwide as means to further freedom of the press.
Course Level:Candidates for the Courage in Journalism Awards can be full-time, part-time or freelance women reporters, writers, editors, photographers or producers.
Scholarship Provider: IWMF
Scholarship can be taken at: USA
Eligibility:-Candidates must currently be full-time, part-time or freelance women journalists working in print, broadcast or online media in any country.
-Candidates employed by organizations whose main objective is not journalism will not be considered for this award.
Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: The International journalists can apply for this scholarship.
Scholarship Description: It takes courage to report the news in many parts of the world. Each year, the International Women’s Media Foundation honors that courage and promotes the importance of a free press with its Courage in Journalism Awards, the only international awards that recognize the bravery of women journalists. Number of awards offered: Each year, the Courage in Journalism Awards honor three women journalists. Duration of award(s): The award is given each year. Created in 1990, the IWMF’s Courage in Journalism Awards honor the courage of international women journalists who show extraordinary strength of character and integrity while reporting the news under difficult and dangerous circumstances. The Courage Awards highlight the importance of freedom of the press and the bravery required in many parts of the world to report the news.Recipients of the Courage in Journalism Awards risk their lives to report the news. Braving political pressure, war, violence and often threats to their families and themselves, they unearth corruption and human rights abuses and give voice to the victims of war and other atrocities.The Courage in Journalism Awards help to turn a spotlight on the work of brave, uncompromising journalists. They also help turn a harsh light on the countries and conflicts in which those journalists work. In calling attention to both the world’s conflicts and the women who cover them.
Number of awards offered: Awards ceremonies for the Courage in Journalism Awards are held in October, when some 1,000 IWMF supporters gather in New York, Los Angeles and Washington, D.C., to honor three Courage Award winners and one Lifetime Achievement Award winner.
What does it cover? IWMF offers a mantle of protection to the awardees and encourages all journalists working in difficult and challenging circumstances.The IWMF is not a funding organization and does not give grants
Selection Criteria: Applications are selected on the basis of:
-Commitment to journalism as a profession and dedication to the highest standards of truth in reporting.
-Ability to show a consistent, continuing body of work.
Notification: Not Known
How to Apply: The mode of applying is online.
Scholarship Application Deadline: The completed nomination must be submitted on or before March 1, 2013.
Further Scholarship Information and Application
Scholarship Tags: 2013, Awards, Courage, International, Journalism, students, USA, women
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