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The Actuarial Foundation offers the Actuarial Diversity Scholarship for minority students (Black/African American, Hispanic, Native North American and Pacific Islander students) in USA. Students must be enrolled at a full-time undergraduate level in a U.S. accredited educational institution. Students must be entering college freshmen having a minimum ACT math score of 28 or SAT math score of 600. Students should have an intention of pursuing a career in the actuarial profession. Scholarship students will be notified by August 6, 2013. The deadline is May 3, 2013.
Study Subject(s): The scholarship is provided to learn actuarial courses.
Course Level: This scholarship is for pursuing undergraduate degree level.
Scholarship Provider: The Actuarial Foundation
Scholarship can be taken at: USA
Eligibility:Each applicant must fulfill all the requirements listed below:
-Must have at least one birth parent who is a member of one of the following minority groups: Black/African American, Hispanic, Native North American, Pacific Islander.
-Will be a full-time undergraduate student at a U.S. accredited educational institution during 2013/2014.
-Minimum GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale), emphasis on math or actuarial courses.
-Entering college freshmen must have a minimum ACT math score of 28 or SAT math score of 600.
-Intent on pursuing a career in the actuarial profession.
Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: Students having at least one birth parent who is a member of one of the following minority groups: Black/African American, Hispanic, Native North American, Pacific Islander can apply.
Scholarship Description: The Actuarial Diversity Scholarship promotes diversity through an annual scholarship program for Black/African American, Hispanic, Native North American and Pacific Islander students. The scholarship award recognizes and encourages the academic achievements of full-time undergraduate students pursuing a degree that may lead to a career in the actuarial profession.The award will be divided to cover multiple semesters or other terms comprising the academic year. Recipients attending school for a portion of the upcoming year (e.g., one semester) will receive the corresponding portion of a full year scholarship amount.
Number of awards offered: Not Known
Duration of award(s): It is an annual scholarship program. The award will be divided to cover multiple semesters or other terms comprising the academic year. (Passing of actuarial exams will be an important factor in evaluating scholarship applications for junior year and beyond. Exams passed will also be a consideration for prior award recipients applying to renew the scholarship).
What does it cover? The Actuarial Foundation awards the scholarship in the following levels:-$1,000 â€" high school senior applying for freshman year;
-$2,000 â€" college freshman applying for sophomore year/sophomore applying for junior year; and
-$3,000 â€" college junior applying for senior year
Selection Criteria:Â Passing of actuarial exams will be an important factor in evaluating scholarship applications for junior year and beyond. Exams passed will also be a consideration for prior award recipients applying to renew the scholarship.
Notification:Scholarship recipients will be notified by August 6, 2013.
How to Apply: The mode of applying is by post.
Scholarship Application Deadline: Application and supporting materials must be postmarked by May 3, 2013.
Further Scholarship Information and Application
Scholarship Tags: 2013/14, Actuarial, Diversity, Minority, Scholarship, students, Undergraduate, USA
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