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The Wageningen Centre for Systems Biology (WCSB) has invited applications for two PhD positions in Netherlands. The positions are available in the themes Virtual Gut and Virtual Microbe. It offers as per the PhD scale, the gross salary per month starts at € 2042 in the first year and rises every year up to € 2612 in the fourth year and a pension of the ABP Pension Fund. The position is offered for 48 months. Interested applicants should apply online by 31th January 2013.
Study Subject(s):Â The research programme within the WCSB runs across with three main subthemes: Virtual Gut, Virtual Plant, and Virtual Microbe.
Course Level:Â The scholarship is available for pursuing PhD program.
Scholarship Provider:Â The Wageningen Centre for Systems Biology (WCSB)
Scholarship can be taken at:Â Netherlands
Eligibility:Â -Enthusiastic, motivated and highly qualified PhD candidates with a strong background in or affinity to modeling of biological systems.
-Candidates should have strong mathematical and/ or statistical modelling skills, be fluent in English (both written and spoken), proactive, independent, team players and have the ability to engage with professionals in adjoining fields.
-For Position 1: The candidate is required to have a MSc on Biotechnology, Nutritional Sciences, Computational Sciences, Applied Mathematics, Bioinformatics, Statistics, Bioengineering or related fields.
-Only candidates that have a background in human health related biological networks, preferable based on gene transcription and protein interaction, combined with a experience in mathematical, statistical or modeling strategies are asked to apply.
-The PhD student should have the ability to engage with scientists at WUR-Food & Biobased Research, WUR-Host Microbe Interactomics, WUR System Biology and researchers at The University of Bologna, Italy.
For Position 2: -The project is formulated in the context of the subtheme ‘Virtual Microbe’. It requires strong modeling skills in constraint-based and dynamic modeling, some understanding in the analysis and integration of omics data and a good knowledge of microbial physiology and biochemistry.
-The candidate is required to have a MSc on Biotechnology, Bioprocess engineering, (Computational) Microbiology, Computational Sciences, Applied Mathematics, Bioinformatics or related fields. The PhD student will collaborate in a team with scientists at Chairs of Systems and Synthetic Biology, Bioprocess engineering, and the WUR unit on Plant Research International.
Scholarship Open for International Students: Students of Netherlands can apply for this scholarship.
Scholarship Description: Systems Biology is one of the spearheads of the Wageningen UR, which invests considerably in this area. The Wageningen Centre for Systems Biology (WCSB) has been recently launched with a focus on the Systems Biology of Biobased Economy, Food and Health. The research programme within the WCSB runs across with three main subthemes: Virtual Gut, Virtual Plant, and Virtual Microbe. Within the Wageningen Centre for Systems Biology two PhD modeling positions are available in the themes Virtual Gut and Virtual Microbe respectively. Each of these modeling project is matched by at least one experimental project, with strong interactions between model and experiments envisaged.
Number of award(s): Wageningen Centre for Systems Biology two PhD modeling positions are available.
Duration of award(s): They offer you a temporary, PhD-candidate position for 48 months (with interim evaluation after of 18 months).
What does it cover? As per the PhD scale, the gross salary per month starts at € 2042 in the first year and rises every year up to € 2612 in the fourth year. They not only offer a competitive salary but also good (study) leave and a pension of the ABP Pension Fund.
How to Apply: Applicants can apply online.
Scholarship Application Deadline: Applications deadline is 31th of January 2013.
Further Scholarship Information and Application
Scholarship Tags: Biology, Netherlands, PhD, research, Scholarship
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