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University of Oslo (UiO), the Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture (TIK) offers three year postdoctoral research fellowship in Norway. The research will be based on Science & Technology studies (STS). Students should have doctoral degree in the field of social science, history or STS to be eligible. Uio offers salary, good pension benefits under the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund scheme. Evaluation of application is solely on the basis of applicant’s project description, applicant’s academic and personal prerequisites.
Study Subject(s): The Postdoctoral position will be based on STS-oriented research on science and technology as cultural and material practices that are shaped by society and crucial in the production of social and political reality.
Course Level: This fellowship is for pursuing postdoctoral research level.
Scholarship Provider: The Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture (TIK) at the University of Oslo
Scholarship can be taken at: Norway
Eligibility:-Relevant candidates should have a PhD in relevant areas of social science, history or STS, as well as in-depth familiarity with relevant approaches within STS as documented through academic degrees or course work, research and publishing.
-The successful candidate should have documented excellence in both theoretical development and empirical work within relevant areas of STS.
- A strong international publication record and well-developed international research networks are meritorious.
-Experience of and interest in cross-disciplinary work will also be advantageous, as scholars both within the research program and the TIK Centre more generally reflect a diversity of backgrounds within social science and the humanities.
Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: The students of Norway can apply for this fellowship.
Scholarship Description: The post-doctoral position will be affiliated with the TIK Centre’s research programme “Science, Technology and Culture†which carries out STS-oriented research on science and technology as cultural and material practices that are shaped by society and crucial in the production of social and political reality.Candidates should have a strong interest in and competence for contributing to the development of such analyses. The position will focus particularly on conducting original work that contributes to theoretical development and empirical knowledge both within the above areas and within the field of STS more generally. The position also encompasses teaching within TIK’s multidisciplinary PhD and masters programs, including supervision of candidates and students within these programs.
Number of awards offered: Not Known
Duration of award(s):Â It is a 3 years postdoctoral research fellowship.
What does it cover?-Pay grade 57-64 (NOK 468 400 â€" 533 000), depending on level of competence/length of service
-Academically stimulating working environment
-Good pension benefits under the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund scheme
-Good welfare benefits
Selection Criteria: Emphasis will be given to the applicant’s project description for his/her proposed post-doctoral project, as well as the applicant’s academic and personal prerequisites to carry out this project.
Notification: Not Known
How to Apply: The mode of applying is electronically.
Scholarship Application Deadline: The application closing date is January 15, 2013.
Note:Â Only candidates who have submitted their doctoral thesis prior to the application closing date may apply for the position. (A prerequisite for taking up the position is the successful completion of a doctoral degree).
Further Scholarship Information and Application
Scholarship Tags: 2013, Fellowship, Norway, Oslo, Postdoctoral, research, Science, Studies, Technology, University
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