Erasmus Mundus Masters Scholarships in  Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling at Autonomous University of Madrid in Spain, University of Valencia in Spain , University of Groningen in Netherlands, KU Leuven in Netherlands, University of Perugia in Italy, University of Porto in Portugal and Paul Sabatier University in France 2013-2015
Study Subject(s):The scholarship is provided to learn Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling.
Course Level:This Scholarship programme is available for Masters level.
Scholarship Provider: Erasmus Mundus
Scholarship can be taken at: Students will get their studies in Spain , Netherlands, Italy, Portugal, france
• Bachelor in Chemistry, Physics or Material Science,1 or any equivalent level if authorized by the legislation of the corresponding European Country. Other scientific bachelors can be accepted, provided the student takes complementary levelling courses, under the supervision of his/her local Tutor.
• Internationally recognized English proficiency certificate equivalent to a TOEFL score of at least 213/500, 65/120 or 513/677, an IELTS score of at least 6, First Cambridge Certificate or B2.
-The same criteria apply to students coming from European and from third countries.
-For students coming from third countries or having a Bachelor different from those mentioned above, the possession of the following (or equivalent) subjects at the level of the Chemistry Eurobachelor needs to be certified: Chemical Bonding, Atomic and Molecular Structure and Intermolecular Interactions, General Physics, Mathematics, General Physical Chemistry, Thermodynamics and Kinetics, Spectroscopy.
-Some deficiencies may be remedied through the levelling course. However, if there are deficiencies in more than two of the aforementioned areas, the applicant will not be accepted. Any student are allowed to apply for a EM scholarship to a maximum of 3 different Master or Doctoral joint programmes.
• Third Country students who have been residents or have carried out their main activity (studies, training or work) in any of the EU or EEA member states for more than a total of 12 months over the last 5 years (prior to the 28th of February 2012) are not allowed to apply for a category A scholarship. They could instead be selected for a category B scholarship.
• Students who have already been awarded with an Erasmus Mundus (Action 1) grant can not apply. Students who have been Erasmus along their Bachelor degree, are allowed to apply.
Scholarship Open for International Students: Â The Students of Third Countries and European Union countries can apply.
Scholarship Description: There is open the call to apply for the scholarships to follow the master program in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling. There are two types of scholarships: Category A: for people who are not from one European Country or a Country of the Eurpean Ecomic Area. The applicant must comply the 12 month rule, which mean, have not been more than 12 month in the last five year in one EU-country. This scholarship covers the travel and installations costs, participation costs and provide a monthly allowance of 1000eur per month. Category B: for people who are from one EU country or for those who have been at least 12 month in one EU country in the last five years. This scholarship covers the participation cost of the program and provide a monthly allowance of 500Eur per month.
Number of Awards: Not Known
Tenure of Awards: It is Applicable for 2 years.
Value:Third-Country students For students starting their Master studies in the academic year 2011-2012 the total cost of the Master course is 6000 EUR per year, including the tuition fee of 3500 EUR and 2500 EUR of participation cost associated to the mobility program of the master. European students For students starting their Master studies in the academic year 2011-2012 the total cost of the Master course is 4500 EUR per year, including the tuition fee of 3500 EUR and 1000 EUR of participation costs associated to the mobility program of the master.
Other Benefits: Not Known
Section Criteria: Category A: can be awarded to third-country masters students selected by EMTCCM consortia who come from a country other than a European country and who are not residents nor have carried out their main activity (studies, training or work) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in these countries.
Category B: can be awarded to European masters students selected by EMTCCM consortia as well as to any masters students selected by EMTCCM consortia who do not fulfil the Category A criteria
Notifications: Not Known
How to Apply: The mode of applying is online.
Scholarship Application Deadline: Do submit your applications till â€" Third Countries, January 31st, 2013 ,European Union countries, January 31st, 2013.
Further Scholarship Information and Application
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Scholarship Tags: 2013, 2015, Chemistry, computational, Erasmus, Modelling, Mundus, scholarships, Theoretical
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