The Funza Lushaka Bursary Programme is offered by Department of Basic Education for South African Students in South Africa 2012/13
Study Subject(s):The scholarship is provided to learn any of the priority areas i.e. Grades R-9: Foundation Phase; African Languages; English Language; Mathematics; Natural Science; Technology.Grades 10-12: African Languages; English Language; Mathematics; Mathematical Literacy; Agricultural Sciences; Life Sciences; Physical Science; Agricultural, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Information Technology, Computer Applications Technology; Engineering Graphics and Design.
Course Level:This scholarship is for pursuing Bachelor of Education (BEd);
Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE); and BA, BSc, BCom and BTech degrees with majors suitable for admission to a PGCE programme, which the recipient of the bursary will agree to enter on graduation. At least one of the major subjects in these degrees must be selected from the list of priority area subjects.
Scholarship Provider: Department of Basic Education, South Africa
Scholarship can be taken at: Students will get their studies in South Africa.
Eligibility:The bursary is only awarded to South African citizens. -Applications will not be considered unless the applicant has a valid South African ID number. -Applicants for the bursary must already have been accepted into an appropriate study programme at a recognized higher education institution. -Applicants also need to meet certain admission criteria of the institution and they must also meet the national selection criteria for the Funza Lushaka bursary.
Scholarship Open for International Students:The students of South Africa can apply.
Scholarship Description: The Funza Lushaka Bursary Programme is a multi-year programme that promotes teaching in public schools. Bursaries are available to enable eligible students to complete a full teaching qualification in an area of national priority. Recipients of the bursary will be required to teach at a school or provincial education department for the same number of years that they receive the bursary. Qualified recipients of the bursary can apply for appropriate public school positions with the provincial education department (PED) of their choice. The PED concerned will determine whether there is a suitable post available. If there is not, the applicant will be offered employment in a PED that does have suitable vacancies.
Number of awards offered:Not Known
Tenure of award:Â The bursary is awarded for one academic year at a time.
Value:Funza Lushaka bursaries cover all the recipient’s essential expenses. Expenses covered include tuition, full accommodation including meals, books and learning materials, and a small allowance for monthly living expenses. Universities have different cost structures, so the total value of a bursary differs from institution to institution.
Other Benefits: Not Known
Selection Criteria:The applicant’s academic ability; Eligibility for an approved degree or PGCE in one of the priority areas; Commitment to a teaching career, which includes: interest in working with young people; enthusiasm for a professional career in teaching; readiness to face and surmount difficult challenges and personal integrity; Commitment to teach in any school to which a student may be appointed by a PED.
Notification: Not Known
How to Apply: This scholarship can be apply by online.
Scholarship Application Deadline: Do submit your applications till Re-applications close on 16 November 2012; New applications close on 11 January 2013.
Further Scholarship Information and Application
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Scholarship Tags: 2012/13, Graduate, SOUTH AFRICA, South African, students, Undergraduate
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