, being a search tool provides you a free searching access to the detailed information of various available scholarship which is systematically arranged on the website. Scholarship is a complement of financial assistance in the higher and professional education and thus plays a significant role in the development of the country. These aids are offered for each level as Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral. It helps the students to move ahead in their education path. Cuba offers one of the best comprehensive education systems which has revolutionized and rescued the country and raised the literacy rate to 95%. Global communication and relations are necessary economically, academically, politically etc. for further development of a country. That’s why each year a number of students immigrate to foreign countries from Cuba for their higher studies. The country also provides a platform for international students. Clarendon Scholarships at University of Oxford, Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP) scholarship, CUD Scholarships etc. are various prominent scholarships for Cuban students. Having affordable cost and good standard of education the country attracts foreign students to attain further education in Cuba. Have a look on list below.
Scholarship Program:Â Coimbra Group Scholarship Programme for Young Professors and Researchers from Latin American Universities 2012
Employer:Â The Coimbra Group
Level of study:Â short-term research
Brief Scholarship Description: The “Coimbra Group Scholarship Programme for Young Professors and Researchers from Latin American Universities†was launched for the first time in January 2004. This initiative, which offers grants to finance short-term research visits, aims at favouring mobility and academic exchange between the two regions, Europe and Latin America.
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program:Â 2011 Call for Proposals:EU Grant in Arts and Culture in South Africa
Employer: Commission Europénne -Europe Aid
Level of study:Â Research and Training
Brief Scholarship Description:Â The global objective of this Call for Proposals is to create opportunities for youth empowerment in the sector of culture, to include youth as drivers in social and economic development in South Africa. The specific objective of this Call for Proposals is to empower youth in South Africa to improve their life skills through arts and culture activities which will engage with disadvantaged youth, include them in organising community life and open the way for youth to make a positive contribution to local development.
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program:Â Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP) for Undergraduate and Graduate, 2012
Employer:Â Government of Canada
Level of study:Â Undergraduate and Graduate
Brief Scholarship Description:Â ELAP Scholarships provide students with short-term exchange opportunities for study or research at the college, undergraduate and graduate levels. As part of the Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program, select graduate-level students will be invited to participate in a study tour focused on Canadian democratic governance and civil society or other key priority areas. Applicants will be considered on the basis of a combination of financial need and academic/intellectual merit (financial need will be determined by the Office of Financial Aid.
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program:Â Clarendon Scholarships for Graduate Study at University of Oxford, 2012 UK
Employer:Â Clarendon Fund
Level of study:Â Graduate
Brief Scholarship Description:Â Clarendon Scholarships are awarded on the basis of outstanding academic merit and potential to graduate students from all around the world. Scholarships are tenable in all subject areas and open to candidates who will be starting a new course.
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program:Â 2012 Belize/Cuba Government Scholarship Programme for Belizean Students, Cuba
Employer:Â Government of the Republic of Cuba
Level of study:Â Undergraduate
Brief Scholarship Description:Â The Government of the Republic of Cuba, under the Belize/Cuba Government Scholarship Programme, is once again awarding scholarships to the Government of Belize for the Academic year 2012-2013. Qualifying Belizean students would enter the Escuela Latin-American de Ciencias Medicas (ELAM), in the city of Havana, Cuba, to pursue a medical degree. The Scholarship is normally for the duration of the programme of studies and requires the scholarship holder to maintain above average passing grades at the aforementioned University. The Scholarships become tenable in August 2012.
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program:Â 2012-2013 Finnish Government Scholarship Pool for PhD Students in Finland
Employer:Â Finnish Government
Level of study:Â :PhD
Brief Scholarship Description:Â The Finnish Government offers scholarships of 3-9 months for Doctoral level studies, research and teaching at a higher education institution in Finland. The Finnish Government Scholarship Pool programme is open to young researchers from all academic fields. The scholarships can not be applied for post-Doctoral studies or research. The scholarships are based mainly on cultural agreements or similar arrangements between Finland and the following countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Cuba, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Mongolia, Namibia, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine..
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program:Â 2012 CUD Scholarships for Master Complementary in Public Health Methodology, Belgium
Employer:Â University Commission for Develpoment
Level of study: Master’s, training programmes
Brief Scholarship Description: The Scholarships Program 2012-2013 is now availaible. Overview of the 2012-2013 program. Bourses â€" ScholarshipsWithin the programme for international courses and training programmes, CIUF grants 150 scholarships for participation into the courses and 70 for participation into the training programmes. You will find on this site a list of international courses and training programmes for which there is a possibility of scholarship and the modalities of introduction of an application file as well as the rules of selection. These rules define the conformity of the files and therefore are very important. Practical information about Belgium is also available on this site.
Scholarship Website:,/
Scholarship Program:Â 2011-12 VLIR-UOS Master Degree Scholarships for Developing Countries, Belgium
Employer:Â Â VLIR-UOS
Level of study:Â Master
Brief Scholarship Description: VLIR-UOS funds and facilitates academic cooperation and exchange between higher education institutions in Flanders (Belgium) and those in developing countries, which aims at building capacity, knowledge and experience for a sustainable development. As part of the Flemish Interuniversity Council, VLIR-UOS is responsible for managing and dispersing the university development cooperation funds of Belgium’s Minister of Development Cooperation.
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program:Â 150 Scholarships in Belgium for Developing Countries Students
Employer:Â French-language universities of Belgium
Level of study:Â Masters, PhD
Brief Scholarship Description:Â You will find on this site a list of international courses and training programmes for which there is a possibility of scholarship and the modalities of introduction of an application file as well as the rules of selection. These rules define the conformity of the files and therefore are very important.
Scholarship Website:,/
Scholarship Program:Â 2012 Mosaic PhD Scholarship for Developing Countries, Netherlands
Employer:Â Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)
Level of study:Â PhD
Brief Scholarship Description: Ethnic minorities are currently under-represented in Dutch academic research. The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science are keen to promote diversity and are concerned about the present loss of talent to the academic world. NWO and the Ministry of OCW conceived a programme that aims at helping representatives of ethnic minorities into the world of science. This Mozaïek (Mosaic) programme started in 2004.
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program:Â Research Master Behavioural and Social Sciences at University of Groningen, Netherlands 2012
Employer:Â University of Groningen
Level of study:Â :Research Master
Brief Scholarship Description:Â Candidates can apply for this grant by sending a letter of motivation in which they indicate that they are in need of a grant and would like to be considered for the UGTG: Research Master Behavioural and Social Sciences (partial grant).
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program:Â Individual PhD Sandwich Scholarship Programme ITM-DGD Call 2011
Employer:Â The Institute of Tropical Medicine
Level of study:Â PhD Research
Brief Scholarship Description:Â The Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM) at Antwerp awards each year maximally three PhD fellowships to outstanding alumni from its international Master and expert courses, as part of a comprehensive capacity strengthening programme supported by the Directorate General for Development Cooperation (IMT-DGD programme). The candidates must be linked to a scientific institute or university in their country and present an outstanding PhD project proposal co-supervised by promoters at the home institute and the ITM, and at the university that is awarding the PhD degree. The fellowship is awarded after a competitive procedure based on the evaluation of academic merit, a full PhD project proposal and the quality and relevance of the institutional set-up.
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program: Master’s Scholarships for Public Policy and Good Governance
Employer: DAAD
Level of Study: Masters
Scholarship Description: This programme is designed to further qualify future leaders in politics, law, economics and administration according to the principles of Good Governance and to prepare them in a praxis-oriented course for their professional life. The programme offers very good graduates with a first university degree the chance to obtain a Master’s degree in disciplines that are of special relevance for the social, political and economic development of their home country.
Scholarship Website
Scholarship Program: Australian Leadership Awards Fellowships
Employer: Australia Government
Level of Study: Short Course/Research
Scholarship Description: Australian Leadership Awards (ALA) Fellowships aim to develop leadership, address priority regional development issues, and build partnerships and linkages between Australian organisations and partner organisations in developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region, Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa and the Middle East.
Scholarship Website
Scholarship Program: IDRC Doctoral Research Awards
Employer: IDRC
Level of Study: Doctoral Research
Scholarship Description: IDRC offers these awards twice a year to Canadians, permanent residents of Canada, and citizens of developing countries pursuing their doctoral studies at a Canadian university. These awards are intended for field research in one or more developing countries.
Scholarship Website
Scholarship Program: Bentley Cropping Systems Fellowship
Level of Study: Master’s, doctoral, postdoctoral
Scholarship Description: Â This Fellowship (a bequest from Helen S. Bentley and C. Fred Bentley) provides assistance to Canadian and developing-country graduate students with a university degree in agriculture, forestry or biology, who wish to undertake postgraduate, applied, on-farm research with cooperating farmers in a developing country.
Scholarship Website
Scholarship Program: University of Brussel Master Scholarships in Photonics Science and Engineering
Employer: The Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Level of Study: Masters
Scholarship Description: The Vrije Universiteit Brussel annually awards a number of scholarships for advanced studies at Master or Advanced Master level. The selected scholarship programmes are characterized by the integration of education and research and a Master’s thesis. They cover at least one year of study and depending on the field of study some programmes may take two years.
Scholarship Website
Scholarship Program: Individual PhD Sandwich Scholarship Programme ITM-DGD
Employer: The Institute of Tropical Medicine
Level of Study: PhD
Scholarship Description: The Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM) at Antwerp awards each year maximally three PhD fellowships to outstanding alumni from its international Master and expert courses, as part of a comprehensive capacity strengthening programme supported by the Directorate General for Development Cooperation (IMT-DGD programme).
Scholarship Website
Scholarship Program: University of Groningen Talent Grant
Employer: University of Groningen
Level of Study: the Research Master
Scholarship Description: Candidates who have been admitted to the Research Master programme Behavioural and Social Sciences can be awarded a scholarship when they are not able to self-finance in full and are not eligible for other funding.
Scholarship Website
Scholarship Program: Cuba Scholarships at University of Westminster
Employer: University of Westminster
Level of Study: Masters
Scholarship Description: Full tuition fee waivers, accommodation, living expenses and flights to and from London. You must be from Cuba, and hold an offer for a full-time Masters degree at the University.
Scholarship Website
Scholarship Tags: Bachelors, Cuba, Cuban, DOCTORAL, Government, Master, PhD, research, scholarships
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