New Zealand Property Education Trust offers Westfield Property Scholarships for Bachelor Students in the field of Property at Massey University, New Zealand 2013
Study Subject(s):Eligible Subject are Property
Course Level: This scholarship is for Bachelor Program
Scholarship Provider:Keystone New Zealand Property Education Trust
Scholarship can be taken at: New Zealand
- Any Year 2 or 3 student enrolled in Bachelor of Property or Bachelor of Property conjoint Degree.
- Enrolled full time in Department of Property at Massey University.
- New Zealand citizen or permanent resident of New Zealand.
Scholarship Open for International Students: This Scholarship only for New Zealand citizen
Scholarship Description: Keystone â€" The New Zealand Property Education Trust is a charitable trust established in 1994. The Recipient must use the award for study directly associated with the property industry in New Zealand. The qualification sought should fall within a recognised major discipline such as; valuation or property management. It is applicable to applicants who have successfully completed some years of course work and either be in their penultimate year or final year.
Objective of Scholarship: Westfield Property Scholarships 2013,Providing ongoing learning and challenge is a core value of Westfield who believe it is also a major factor in having a healthy property industry, one that can continue to attract and retain talented and motivated people. A healthy property industry then contributes to the economic and social well being of society at large.
Number of awards offered: Not Known
Tenure of awards: The scholarship is available for up to two consecutive years as determined by the Trustees.
Value: Up to $5000 per annum
Other Benefits: Not Known
Selection Criteria: Application by form is made to the Keystone Trust Office, A Selection Committee will assess the applications, The Scholarship is awarded on the recommendation of the Selection Committee.
Notifications: Scholarships announced prior to 1st December 2012
How to Apply: Applications must be completed by the Applicant on the prescribed form of application, and submitted to Postal address:- The Secretary The Keystone Trust P O Box 1033 Auckland 1140
Scholarship Application Deadline: Closing date 10 October 2012
Further Scholarship Information and Application
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Scholarship Tags: 2013, BACHELOR, EDUCATION, Massey, New Zealand, Property, scholarships, Trust
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