The University of Sheffield offers Vice-Chancellor’s  Advanced Fellowships for International PhD Students in UKÂ
Study Subject(s): The scholarship is provided to learn Arts & Humanities, Engineering, Medicine, Dentistry and Health,  Science and Social Sciences.
Course Level:Â This scholarship is for pursuing PhDÂ level.
Scholarship Provider:Â The University of Sheffield
Scholarship can be taken at:Â Students will get their studies in UK
-To be eligible to apply for a Vice-Chancellor’s Fellowship applicants will:
a) be within 0 to 5 years since the award of their PhD, or
b) have submitted a PhD thesis and expect to be awarded a PhD within 3 months from the closing date.
-To be eligible to apply for a Vice-Chancellor’s Advanced Fellowship applicants will:
a) be an established researcher with between 5 to 10 years of research experience since the award of their PhD or equivalent research doctorate; and
b) have an excellent research track record in the identified area of strength, with a proven capacity for research leadership.
-Applicants will be considered in all subject areas.
Scholarship Open for International Students:Â The International students can apply for this scholarship.
Scholarship Description: As part of our ambitious plans, we are announcing 20 Vice-Chancellor’s Fellowships and Advanced Fellowships. Designed to develop outstanding academics who will make a mark on the world, as a Vice-Chancellor’s Fellow or Advanced Fellow, you will be supported to reach your intellectual and career goals as a future leader in your international field. We are seeking Fellows who are ambitious about their careers with something special to offer and who will be an inspiration to our students. If you believe you have the talent, drive and enthusiasm to really make a global impact, then we can help you to make your ambitions a reality.
Number of awards offered:Â 20 scholarships are offered.
Tenure of award: It is applicable to three years.
Value: Salary: Vice-Chancellor’s Fellow £31,948 per annum, Vice-Chancellor’s Advanced Fellow £37,012 per annum.
Other Benefits:Â each Fellow will receive the following range of exceptional benefits:
-Access to a mentoring scheme tailored to suit your individual needs. Each Fellow will be sponsored and mentored by an internationally excellent senior member of the University
-A one-off Research Support Grant of at least £10,000.
-A thorough development plan tailored to the individuals needs including leadership development, civic engagement activities, access to the Sheffield Leader programme, Certificate in Learning and Teaching (CILT) and the Researchers Programme.
-Appointment to an open-ended Lecturer/Senior Lecturer position at the end of the Fellowship.
-Minimal/no teaching duties for the duration of the Fellowship.
-Reduced administrative duties for the duration of the Fellowship.
-Tailored relocation support.
Selection Criteria: The Director, International Programmers’, will draw up a short-list of candidates on the basis of outstanding academic merit.
Notification:Â Candidates can expect to be contacted about the next stages of the selection process in late November 2012.
How to Apply: To apply for these positions please do so through the University’s e-Recruitment system.
Scholarship Application Deadline:Â Do submit your applications till 9 November 2012.
Further Scholarship Information and Application
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Scholarship Tags: Arts & Humanities, Dentistry and Health, Engineering, Featured, Fellowships, International, Medicine, PhD, Science, Sheffield, Social Sciences, UK
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